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I was born on the ground. I have lived with the sun on my face, breathed fresh air and floated in the cool waters of these lands. I am a part of the first generation of Sky People to become children of this world.
One hundred and fifty years after the bombs had fallen and decimated everything, we now stand on terra firma looking towards the future and what it means to live side by side with those we call The Grounders.
These men and women who's ancestors had survived the apocalypse on Earth, now formed a new society of twelve clans all with their own agenda, all carrying the brutality of what it once meant to survive in a world destroyed by fire and radiation.
My brother's and sister's that I've grown with have become more like the Grounders and less like our ancestors of the sky, warriors trained from childhood. In order to survive here we must fight or face death, a lesson my people have learnt since returning to the Earths surface fifty years ago.
The clans here have little mercy for those who show weakness, but even they search for strength of leadership, one Commander chosen to guide them, one Commander who carries the black blood of the Natblidas. This chosen figure-head holds the legacy of The Flame, the spirit of the first Commander and for the past twenty years it's been lost to the clans, their last Commander missing in battle.
As the search still continues to this day, a malevolent force is brewing in the lands of  ice. The need for power and control sways the soul of the Azgeda Queen and when the Ice Nation stirs the Earth quakes in terror.
Unity is our only hope as a sinister mystery that has been hidden for two decades eventually surfaces to shock us all.

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