Chapter 7: Warrior & Peacemaker.

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Lexa cleared the room a part from myself, Octavia, Lincoln and her Generals. She was a leader who wished to know everything in great detail, and listened attentively as I gave her as much information I could about the situation.
For a while she spoke with her Generals about informing Polis, along with returning Takoma's body and The Flame to The Capital. There was also the matter of Azgeda to discuss. She requested that Gustus bring Prince Roan to speak with her and asked us to remain to hear his words.
The Prince was shackled and looked like a man who had been tortured for days. Gustus pushed him to his knees infront of Lexa. "Do you see this, Azgeda Prince?" She said as she held up The Flame.
He looked up at her, weary but still defiant, "Am I supposed to know what that is?"
Gustus struck him across his back for his lack of respect. Roan winced in pain but swiftly regained his composure.
"You tell us your mother prepares to march on Polis with her Natblida, that she intends to take the throne, breaking the treaty of our Capital. She disrespects us all, disrespects The Spirit Of The Commander." Lexa's raised voice echo's around the room.
The Prince suddenly realised what Lexa held in her hand, "The Flame! You've found The Flame!"
Lexa's glare burned into the Prince, the whole room felt it, "Nia will not take Polis. If she wishes her Natblida to sit upon the throne, then Ontari will fight for that right in the conclave, just as each other Natblida will," she proclaimed.
I watched as Roan shook his head, "My mother  doesn't care who has The Flame, she'll rain down an Azgeda Storm on Polis no matter what. We were banished for refusing to support such madness. If she won't heed the words of her own son, yours will carry even less weight. The Queen craves blood, Lexa and not even The Spirit Of The Commander can quell that!"

 The Queen craves blood, Lexa and not even The Spirit Of The Commander can quell that!"

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Roan maintained his stance of refusing to support Queen Nia. He viewed her actions as disreputable, casting a shadow over the already tarnished reputation of his clan. He had offered Lexa a truce and requested that he and his warriors ride to Polis with Trikru to show support for The Capital.
Lexa reluctantly agreed on the condition that no member of Azgeda that rode with them would be allowed weapons. This newfound alliance had uncertain foundations, but Lexa always seemed to think of the bigger picture.  If Nia should indeed attack and be defeated, The Prince would become a King and a new prosperous future for Azgeda and Trikru could finally prevail.
I had left Lexa and her Generals to discuss plans for the days ahead and began to prepare my horse to leave for Arkadia. A familiar voice called out from behind me, "Leaving so soon?" I turned to see Octavia.
"My duty here is finished. Trikru have their Commander and The Flame," I replied to her, wearily.
Octavia began to unpack my belongings off my horse, "You're not going anywhere, Skaigada. We've been invited to stay," she said playfully.
I sighed, "O, I'm tired. I've been away for the past six months. I just want at least one night of rest in my own bed."
She simply frowned at my pleas, "There's a feast tonight to honour Takoma, probably the last chance to enjoy Trikru hospitality before all hell breaks loose with Azgeda and The Mountain. Besides, when their Kru Heda asks you to stay, you don't refuse. Time to start enjoying your new found status as the saviour of The Flame." She winked at me before turning to find Lincoln.
Octavia's carefree nature always made me smile. I heeded her advise and continued to unload my horse. 'Saviour of The Flame,' she said. I shook my head at the prospect of such a title. I was not a person who craved status, preferring a more humble existence. Yet, it seemed my place in Grounder society had now begun to take on a very different role.

 Yet, it seemed my place in Grounder society had now begun to take on a very different role

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Trikru were people of habit when it came to their traditions. To be invited to stay and honour their fallen Commander was a privilege.
As the sun began to set, the fires were lit. Takoma was a son of Trikru, born in Xandria and although The Order of The Flame would hold a death ritual Polis, for the people of the woods this was a personal loss to be mourned under the veil of night as the autumn winds blew through the trees of Takoma's home.
Lexa spoke openly with her people about The circumstances surrounding the discovery of The Flame, their Heda and the new found alliance with Prince Roan. There was apprehension in the air, but Lexa eased the concerns of her people as any true leader would.
I did my best to keep myself to myself that night, but many of the woods people wished to hear the story of how I found their Commander. It was a bittersweet tale, they had regained The Flame but lost the man who had once been a great leader.
As their curiosity subsided I found a moment of solitude by the fire. The flames danced an ancient dance, flickering, mesmerizing. I felt a presence stand to the side of me as the stoic voice of Trikru's Kru Heda spoke, "Your thoughts weigh heavy, Skaigada."
Lexa handed me a cup of wine. I smiled and gladly accepted it. "I've been away from my people for so long, this isn't how I expected to return home," I solemnly replied.
"You return a hero, a warrior of Skaikru. You should be proud," Lexa insisted.
I smiled back, "I'm no warrior. I'm a peacemaker."
"You killed five Mountain Men armed with guns. You should give yourself more credit or do Skaikru view strength differently than Trikru?" Lexa's words were candid, almost playful for such a serious warrior woman.
"Skaikru understands what it means to be strong but we also know when to be humble in the presence of a clan leader," my response was more flirtatious than intended but was met with a welcomed smile from Lexa.
We continued to stare into the flames of the fire, until Lexa made an unexpected request, "We travel to Polis tomorrow to speak with The Order of The Flame. They'll wish to meet the warrior who tried to save our Heda, who brought The Flame back to its people. I'd like you to ride with me to The Capital."
"Lexa, I..." My response was cut short by the woman who seemed to know what I was thinking before I even spoke.
"I understand I ask a great deal of you but please, sleep on my request. If you agree come the dawn light, I'd consider it an honour to ride to Polis with you, Clarke of The Sky People."
I nodded back at Lexa, humbled by her words and for a second I found myself lost in those emerald eyes of hers. We stood in silence drinking our wine as I pondered on her request.  I remembered what I said to my mother before leaving Arkadia, that she'd always taught me to see things through until the very end. In my head and my heart I already knew what my decision would be, but for now I remained comforted by the warmth of the fire and the company of the warrior woman of the woods.

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