Todd Anderson x Reader - Answer Me This (Part 5)

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Welcome to the final chapter of Answer Me This! It makes me sad to think that it's coming to a close especially since this piece has been in the works for maybe a year or two! However, I am open to continuing this story if you guys ask! If not...

I hope you enjoy the end of Answer Me This.

Also, there is some strong language.


~~~ (You are talking to Charlie outside the coffee shop while Knox, Pitts, Meeks, and Todd sit inside)

- Todd Anderson's point of view -


She had made her choice.

I missed my chance. My chance to share with her my true feelings has been shielded by my seclusive - my damn seclusive - nature. Of course, she has chosen Charlie. Charlie and his good looks, his charm, his bad boy personality. How could I compete?

There she is, probably telling him that she agreed to go on a date like he proposed over a late night phone call. That did not actually happen, but I can see it so clearly being a possibility. She would not want someone like me. God, I can't even kiss her. Now I never will.

I lost my chance.

So much for carpe diem, as she would say.

--- (Back in your perspective, outside the coffee shop) ---

"So, Charlie, I-"

"Nuwanda, darling."

"Forgive me," I replied and chuckled lightly as he gave a poised smile. "Look, I know you, Nuwanda. You have this shell of confidence and self-assurance... but I know you have feelings, somewhere deep in there, stud."

"I follow you."

"Well, I uh- I guess I'm just wondering if you're alright. I know how close you were to Neil, and Keating, and your expulsion probably angered your parents. I also know you want to come off as a strong and in-control alpha male but you are always welcome to share what you really feel. I or any of the boys would in a heartbeat have that kind of conversation with you. I want you to know that."

Charlie shuffled his feet in the thin coating of snow. "No- I, I know that. And I really appreciate that." He returned his blazing eyes onto mine. "Gah, you're a gem, Y/N. Any guy would be the luckiest in the world to-"

"You didn't answer my question," I interrupt with a stern glare that quickly becomes an unmanageable grin. I couldn't help it - Charlie was such an outgoing friend it was impossible for me to contain this smile.

He huffed along with his signature side smirk. "I'm alright, Y/N. Really. And truly. Really, truly okay."

"If you say so, Nuwanda. But call me anytime, alright? Whenever you need to talk."

"Now that, I can do," he pronounced while pointing his finger at me. We laughed harmoniously and I embraced him gladly. He was okay and I was happy. I already connected to each of the Dead Poets previously to ask about their state and they all were stable. It was Charlie I was unsure of since his desire to be perceived as powerful and unfazed draped over any emotion he could be having. I retracted out of the hug but he trailed his hand down my arm to my hand and he held it gently.

"I should be asking how you are, sunshine. After all, you're the one supporting all of us. And I must say, it is very, very noble of you," he mentioned, flattering me. "If there's anything I can do for you..." He leaned in close to my ear and I felt his warm breath as he continued. "... you should just call me, okay?"

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