First Day Of Summer (Chapter 1)

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I woke up to my mom screaming goodbye and that she loved me, ugh thanks Mom for waking me up at 7:00 in the morning on my first day of summer break. Honestly, I'm so glad it's finally summer, I get to stay in and finally finish watching The Vampire Diaries, and I don't have to worry about school anymore just one more year in that hell hole and I'm out.

I walk in my bathroom to go ahead and take a shower I have to go pick up Chloe my best friend, she wants to go shopping since it's the first day of summer. Chloe is the outgoing type she goes to party's and actually hangs out with people, where I just stay in my room. I don't like people that much and people don't like me and I'm cool with that, listening to my "emo" music at least that's what Chloe calls it and reading a good book or even watching Netflix till I can't stand it no more is cool with me.

I do my normal routine when I get done with everything I look at myself in the mirror. My nose ring sparkling, my long blonde hair running a little past my elbow, and my outfit. I have on my Fall Out Boy t-shirt that I got when I went to a concert of theirs that I tied in a knot on the side to show a little bit of skin and my belly button ring showing just a little bit, with my favorite pair of black ripped skinny jeans and my black converses. Okay yes it's summer but my favorite color is black so almost everything I own is black, hell my car is even black.

I grab my bag and put my phone in my back pocket with my keys in hand while I walk out the door, I head to the garage to see my beautiful baby shining in the light. My 2017 Chevy Camaro 1SS manual convertible, with 455 horsepower. It's the last thing Jason got me before he left. Jason is my father who was an abusive drunk who treated my mom, Sam and Sophia my younger twin siblings and I like shit till he left after Christmas and I haven't seen him since and I hope I never do.

I jump in the car and start the engine hearing my baby roar god I love this car, I pull out the driveway and start heading to the interstate my rock music blasting through the speakers with the wind through my hair. If you ask me it's the perfect way to start off the summer.

I pull up in front of Chloe's house waiting on her to come out, I'm telling you she literally takes an hour and a half to get ready. After like three songs she finally walks out the door. Her long blonde hair curled and laying on her shoulders, her strapless hot pink crop top on with a pair of white ripped skinny jeans and her black sandals on with of course her little handbag. Chloe was one of the prettiest girls at school a lot of people liked her and all but they stir up drama and who are just self-centered and she's not about that, no Chloe is the sweetest person you'll ever meet she's not into all the drama and most importantly she's not a self-centered bitch like the rest of our school, not to mention we go to an all-girls school so that makes it even better right.

Now I'm not saying we never see boys or anything like that because we do there's an all-boys school right beside us literally we can walk over there which most of them do because they have older brothers or boyfriends who drive them home so we see them we just don't go to the same school.

I zone back into reality when Chloe waves her hand in front of my face like I was a zombie, which in her defense I probably look like one so it's totally understandable.

"Hey! Yeah sorry about that I was just thinking. You ready to go?" I ask before she can ask what I was thinking about.

"Yea of course I am, duh I'm going shopping!" She screamed let me just tell you she has the lungs of an opera singer.

"Ok Chloe you know I love you but I would like to keep my hearing," I say laughing.

"Oh sorry about that Summer, it's just I'm so excited!" She says bopping her head back and forth to the beat of Animals by Nickleback.

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