Just This Once

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Dedicated in Memory of
Bernabeth Daamo Padero, LT

In the middle of my reverie
I feel so damn dreamy and weary
In fact, I am forlorn and lonely
'Cause you left me just so instantly

I'm longing for you for a long time
We've been together before in chime
But you left this solid ground early
Leaving me here on earth vapidly

I have been so worn out and ghastly
Suffering a damn melancholy
Just this once I'm begging you, my love
Let me feel the zephyr of your love

I'm always at our favorite spot
Waiting for you until I'll get rot
Just this once I'm begging you, my love
Let me feel the cold hugs you now have

Just this once I'm asking you once more
Let me feel the zephyr of your core
Just this once I'm begging you, my love
Let me feel the cold embrace you have

Let me clasp the zephyr of your loving hand
You may be dead, yet you're alive in my heart
You will always be remembered by my heart
But just this once let me feel you in my hand

I love and miss you so much, couz! 😢😭

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