Chapter Nineteen

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*time skip*

"A couple glows another...blows?"
by J. Upton

It's no news to anyone that Natalia Irwin's historical friends Georgie and Max got engaged before Christmas, ah Love....but what happend to #Tomalia, formed by the new Spiderman Tom Holland (20) and Shadowhunters' star Natalia Irwin (21)?
The pair was active on social media but not really interacting with one another. We are asking ourselves...why? Something happened?
A source near the couple brought this up and we couldn't let the question go, so we started digging.
They revealed that the two actors haven't been talking for a few days, and apparently had called it off after one year and a half of dating, because of jealousy and probably cheating.
Recently it was announced another cast member on Shadowhunters that may have been caught Natalia's eyes.
We're talking about Aaron Hayes (26) [see here the announcement], a blonde, blue-eyed, gorgeous English man.
Much different from our beloved Spiderman, isn't he?
The two, it has been reported, were seen close both on set and around Toronto.
So I'm asking, naturally I think, what happened with Tom?
Is he still in the picture?
Is there bad blood?
What's going on with Natalia Tom and Aaron?
Photos of Aaron and Natalia together [click here for more]

 So I'm asking, naturally I think, what happened with Tom?Is he still in the picture? Is there bad blood?What's going on with Natalia Tom and Aaron?Photos of Aaron and Natalia together [click here for more]

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See also

BAFTA Awards nominees
Infinity War: all the characters and actors
Tom Holland: everything you need to know about this raising star
Read more about Natalia and Aaron

Groupchat 'Avengers ASSemble'

Good God the media, have you guys seen this? [link] 🤦🏼‍♀️

Yeah, me and my wife just bursted out laughing.
What a load of bullshit

A. Mackie:
I snorted while reading it, but just so we know is something happened? Tom? Nats?

Hang on, I'm reading the link

Me too, wait

Have you noticed that all the articles are about Natalia cheating on Tom? And never the other way round? I'm just stating a fact, not accusing🤷🏻‍♂️

Scarlett J.:
Yeah, Seb I've noticed that too.

Okay, I read it.
We just had a discussion over a stupid topic. That's it.
But we're stubborn so we didn't immediately made up, but everything is cool.
She was in Australia for Christmas and I joined for New Year's eve, when we finally made up for good.
I'm disgusted by that article and by the allegations made towards my girlfriend.
Aaron is a friend, I met him on different occasions actually, before finding out that he and Nat have known each other for a very long time.

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