Chapter 1: A Genius Plan

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Once again, I could hear the same fist hitting my door. I covered my face with a pillow and told them to go away. Surprisingly the knocking stopped so I could go back to sleep. I removed the pillow from my face to get comfortable when...

"Wake up, Steph." Of course it had to be my one and only twin brother, Stiles. I then hit him with my pillow and started complaining.

"I'm seriously going to ask dad for a security system on my door." I said, annoyed.

"Come on, Steph. You know I would be smart enough to get through." Stiles answered as he took a seat on the side of my bed. "Dad just left." He added, looking at my sleepy figure. "The entire Beacon County Department along with the State Police are looking for a body."

"So? Dad does this all the time." I rolled my eyes as I turned my back to Stiles so I could fall asleep peacefully... At least I thought that would happen. I suddenly felt two arms who picked me up, bridal style as I let out an annoyed sigh.

He took me all the way outside to sit me down in his jeep. I yawned and took another look at my brother who was starting the car.

"Do you really want to stalk dad and watch him do his work?" I asked, opening the window to get some fresh air.

"Not without Scott."


"Stiles! Get down! You don't just break into your friend's house like that." I whisper yelled.

"Don't worry Steph, I do this all the time."


I turned to Scott's window as I heard him getting closer to it. He opened the door and stepped forward with a bat in his hands. I'm surprised he didn't see me as I was just standing next to Stiles' jeep. They then both started screaming as Stiles was now hanging upside down from the porch roof.

"Stiles! What the hell are you doing!" Scott asked, still holding his bat protectively. I rolled my eyes as I just watched the scene.

"You weren't answering your phone." Stiles answered, still hanging upside down.

"Why do you have a bat?" He added with a confused look.

"I thought you were a predator." Scott explained, still not sure about what happened.

"Guys! Stop arguing and get down here!" I yelled as Scott looked now even more confused.

"Wait, you're here too? What is wrong with you two?" He said, finally putting down the bat.

"My dad left 20 minutes ago. The entire Beacon County Department along with the State Police are looking for a body." Stiles explained, finally getting down from the roof.

"A dead one?" Scott asked.

"In what world would my brother be this exited to go look for a person that's still alive? I mean, come on, it's Stiles we're talking about here." I told him.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that... Anyway, two joggers found it in the woods." Stiles added.

"And why are you two here then? They found it, big deal." Scott said, annoyed.

"Thank you!" I said, smiling at Scott.

"Guys... It was half a body."


Stiles' jeep stopped at the Beacon Hills Preserve as that was where we needed to be if we wanted to find the body. We left the blue car as Stiles turned on his flashlight.

"We're actually doing this?" I asked. They immediately turn around as they look at each other.

"Scott's the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles replies as he directed his eyes at me again.

"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow. I didn't ask for this." The boy defended himself as I just rolled my eyes.

"Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort." I walked past them as they then followed me.

"No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line." Scott caught up with me as he clearly didn't agree.

"Hey, that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one." My brother interrupted, looking at us.

"Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott asked as we all stopped walking.

"Huh! I didn't even think about that." Stiles answered.

"And, uh, what if whoever killed the body is still out here?" I started to panic as he clearly had no idea what he was doing right now.

"Also stuff that I didn't think about."

"It's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail." Scott said as he saw me starting to panic.

"I know." Stiles continued to walk as he started to climb a little hill. We followed behind him as I heard Scott's breathing getting louder. I turned around and saw him holding his inhaler.

"Maybe the servere asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?" I said, looking at Scott as he just looked back at me. I gave my hand as he gladly took it so I could help him up the hill.

We saw Stiles lying on the ground as he pulled us down, too. I was annoyed at first, but then I looked around a bit more to see the line of officers and theirs dogs searching for the body.

"Come on." My twin got up as he walked closer to get a better look. I, of course, followed him. Stiles tried his best to stay out of sight when he suddenly walked into one of the officers and his K-9 companion. I face palmed as I saw my dad walking towards him. He was getting a whole lecture when another officer noticed me too. My dad was now extremely confused as he looked at the two of us.

"Why are you wearing pajama's?" He asked, looking at me. I didn't say anything. The only responds was me pointing in Stiles' direction.

"Whatever... Where is your usual partner in crime?" He added, looking at my twin now.

"He's resting at home for his first day tomorrow." He answered, scratching the back of his neck, making it obvious he was lying. I rolled my eyes. Our dad looked around with his flashlight to be sure Scott wasn't around, then he grabbed both our arms to bring us to his car.

"So, what part of the plan is this?" I asked, looking at my brother.

"The one were you shut up." He replied, looking outside the window.

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