Chapter 2: Derek Hale

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Stiles and I arrived at school as we saw Jackson getting out of his car as he hit Scott with the door of it in the process.

"Dude, watch the paint job." He said. I immediately walked up them as Stiles failed to hold me back.

"Dude, watch my friend." I replied as he just turned around and walked away. Of course he's not gonna reply to that, I'm friends with his girlfriend. Scott and I just walked back towards Scott as I watched Jackson walk away.

"Hey guys." Scott said as he finally got away from his argument. After some talking and apologizing for leaving him alone he pulled up his hoodie to reveal a covered wound with some blood seeping through. My brother and I immediately looked away.

"That's just disgusting." I looked away.

"It was pretty dark but I'm sure a wolf bit me." He told us after. Stiles rolled his eyes in responds.

"Really? I was attacked by a unicorn yesterday." I said with a thick layer of sarcasm covering my words.

"No, seriously. I even heard it howling."

"No you didn't." Stiles replied.

"I know what I heard." Scott said, defending himself.

"That's impossible with the lack of wolves in California for like sixty years." Stiles explained.


"Yes, really. There are no wolves in California." I said, looking at Scott.

"Well, if you don't believe me about the wolves then you're definitely not going to believe me that I found the other half of the body last night.." Stiles and I both just stared at our friend.

"Oh, God, that is freaking awesome. I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since..." I then saw him looking at a girl who passed by. Ah, Lydia Martin, the most popular girl of the school. Can I just add that Stiles has a huge crush on her. "The birth of Lydia Martin. Hey, Lydia. You look... like you're going to ignore me." He added as she smiled and walked away. "Did she just smile at me?" My brother was way to exited at this point.

"I'm pretty sure it wasn't you she was smiling at." Scott replied with a laugh.

"Oh, come on, who else would she be-

"Your sister." Scott interrupted. Stiles looked at me as I just waved innocently.

"Well, you're the cause of this, you know?"

"Am I?" Scott smiled.

"Dragging me down to your nerd depts." We heard the bell ringing as we walked towards our class, which didn't stop Stiles to continue his explanation. "I'm a nerd by association. I've been scarlet nerded by you."

"I'm sure it's all Scott's fault." I smiled as we entered our classroom and took our seats.

"As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night. And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenerios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester." Our teacher started to explain as everyone took a seat and was silent. Only a couple of minutes later the door opened to reveal the principal walking in with a new student by his side.

"Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome." The principal explained as the girl smiled and took a seat behind Scott. The guy immediately handed her a pen.

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