Working for Loki

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I am sat in the back of the truck with loki, we speed away from the scene we just caused. I thought that we had lost Agent Hill but I can see her in the distance swerving through the flood of trucks trying to leave the facility. Another Agent leans out of there car and begins to shoot at us, I must say driving and shooting takes a lot of skill. I see loki raise his staff as a blast of the blue light hits the cars and obliterates the driver. I let out a breath thinking that we were in the clear just I feel our car lurched. I turned to see what had happened to find another car driving against us and in it sat Agent Hill.  she shot at us through the windshield but Clint and I both shot back, I just missed her head as clint sped up and forced car away. she tried to catch up but the ceiling started to cave in and caused her to get caught under a pile of rocks. Loki and I are both standing looking over the roof of the car, inside I wanted to jump off and Hill but my body wasn't mine right now. A helicopter swooped in front of us just as we got out into the open. Clint swerved the car and started to drive in the dirt. the helicopter chased after us and got in front of us again. I heard gunshots and felt something rip through my shoulder, my body hit the ground of the truck and everything started to go blurry, I felt like screaming but knew my voice wouldn't work. something large fell to the ground followed by more gunshots as we got back onto a normal road, seconds after everything went black.

I woke up to find myself in a cot with a bandage around my shoulder. my head is pounding and I'm guessing when I stand up I'm going to feel dizzy. " rise and shine sleeping beauty" I heard a voice pop into my mind. Loki walked into the small room I was in and crouched down next to me,"get up, we have work to do". if I could have groaned I would have but I still didn't have control. I sit up straight and immediately wanted to fall back down, loki saw the pain in the face and raised his staff. he touched it off my shoulder and the pain faded away, he had that sickly grin on his face again as he stood and offered me a hand to get up. I took it and followed him out of the room. we walked through a maze of corridors and came to a large room filled with people buzzing around like worker bees. I saw clint in the corner talking to loki, they both nodded and split, Loki walked over to me. "we are going to Germany get your weapons ready we leave in two hours, I want you to stay by my side and don't let anyone disobey me", I nodded and left to a room we passed on the way that I saw was filled with weapons. 

we had spent hours in a jet and then half an hour in a car, we eventually got to a museum-like building and went in the back. Loki turned and looked at me," that outfit won't do" he said looking me up and down. in the blink of an eye, i was standing in a long navy dress with one shoulder and was covered in sequins. we made our way through the museum and glanced over a balcony to see a large number of people gathered in what I assume to be the main entrance of the building. We walked down a flight of steps and came to the back of a man giving a speech. loki knocked out the security guard on the left while I had the one on the right. I had a gun in my thigh holster under my dress and used the butt of the gun to knock him out. I turn and see Loki dragging a man and flipping him onto an old decorative table and took out a weird looking device with a drill in it. Loki pressed it into the man eye as the people started to scream and run, I walked alongside Loki as we exited the museum, Loki transformed into his armour and I was transformed into my uniform I was wearing earlier. Loki shot his spear at the first police car that came and it flipped over, I shot at the second with my gun and killed the driver which made the car crash into a shop.

Loki made duplicates of himself and surrounded the running people, "kneel before me, I said KNEEL!" Loki shouted over the crowd. I stood beside the real him and kept an eye on everyone ready to shoot anyone that looked like a threat." is not this simpler, is this not your natural state, its the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation, the bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity, you were made to be ruled, in the end you will always kneel", Loki said all this while we walked through the crowd hoping to intimidate them. An elderly man rose to his feet "not to men like you" he spoke in a German accent,"there are no men like me" loki said back a smile on his face,"there are always men like you" he finished. "Look to your elder people, let him be an example" Loki nodded at me as I raised my gun and he raised his spear, why was I doing this, I don't want to do this. Loki and I shot at the same time, insteads of the old man died Loki and I were thrown to the ground from a ricochet of the spear. I look up and see Captain America standing over the man looking as heroic as ever. "you know the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else we ended up disagreeing", the captain said." the soldier" Loki hissed as he stood," a man out of time". " I'm not the one whos out of time," the captain said as a ship hovered behind him, no doubt in my mind that Nat was flying it. "Loki and Andy drop your weapons and stand down"

Authors Note

Sorry, im late I've been really busy with college and then had the flu, but I'm all good now and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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