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I wake up to someone shaking me and my arms still cuffed behind my back and the muzzle on my mouth. Captain America was the one shaking me, I give him a fierce glare to send the message that he should get his hands off me. "Get up, we're here," he said coldly taking his hand away but signalling to another agent that pulled me up ruffly by the arm. I walked at a slow pace and watched Loki in front of me. we were both surrounded by armoured guards and were walking through the flying fortress that fury is so proud of. we were walking past a lab and I looked in and smirked the best I could with this muzzle on at the nervous looking doctor banner on the other side of the glass, the plan Loki has for him is perfect. Wait did I just say that it was perfect!?!? I think Loki is really getting to me, the others better find a way to get him out of my head before there is none of me left.

Loki and I have been led into a giant glass chamber and our cuffs have been taken off and so has my muzzle. Loki is pacing around the chamber as I got to the other side and sit on the small bench rubbing my wrists trying to stop the sting from the cuffs. Fury walks in and steps beside a control panel, "It's an impressive cage, not built I think for us" Loki says as he steps back towards me. "Built for something a lot strong than you, both of you" Fury replies sending a classic fury glare towards me. " oh I've heard, a mindless beast, makes play he's still a man," Loki says, "how desperate are you?" I ask glaring straight back at fury from my seated position. "you call on such lost creatures to defend you" Loki finishes. "how desperate am i?, you threaten my world with war, you steal a force you cant hope to control, you talk about peace and you kill cause its fun, you have made me very desperate and you might not be glad that did" Fury states in a very serious voice hoping the make Loki and i nervous, but it did the opposite it enraged me. "ooh it burns you to have come so close, to have the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power and for what, a warm light for all mankind to share and then to be reminded what real power is" Loki  says only causing Fury to grin and say "well let me know if real power wants a magazine or something" as he walks away. Loki then turns around to face me with a smirk on his face, "that went well" he says as he sits down next to me. 'we won't be here long when everything starts to stay close to me your not done working yet' Loki says in my head. My eyes start to get heavy again, I don't think that whatever Nat gave me has fully worn off because I feel myself being moved so I'm lying on the bench. 

As I wake up again i hear voices and then Loki shouting " your ledger is dripping, its gushing red and you think saving a man and girl no more virtuous than yourself will change anything, this is the basest sentimentality, this is a child prayer pathetic you lie and kill in the service of liars and killers. You pretend to be separate to have your own code something that makes up for the horrors but they part of you and they will never go away" Loki pauses before slamming his fist against the glass,"i wont touch barton or stark, not until I make them kill you slowly, intimately in every way they know you fear and then they will wake just long enough to see their good work and when they scream ill split their skulls, this is my bargain you mewling quim". Nat has her back turned and her head bent over, I can hear her breath coming out unevenly." your a monster" she says still with her back turned."oh no, you brought the monster". Loki finishes taking his hand away from the glass. Nat turns around with a look on her face that I can only interpret as a mix of worry and victory."so banner that's your play" she says only letting Loki says "what?" before walking off with her hand on her earpiece and say "Loki means to unleash the hulk, keep banner in the lab I'm on my way, send thor as well, thank you for your cooperation" Nat finishes before turning and leaving through a door. 'they won't have enough time to do anything, the strike begins any minute now' Loki assures me in my head. Wait assures me! what am I thinking? 

A little bit shorter than usual but that's because there's going to be a lot that happens in the next chapter. if you have any predictions I would love to hear them and see where you predict the story will go and what you think will happen to Andy. 

Tony Starks sister 1: The AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now