The Heroes are scattered

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Loki and I have been sitting in silence since nat left. It shouldn't be long now before Clint makes the first strike against the hellicarrier. I looked down at my hands and thought of what is going to happen to Tony, he's my brother, my only family. I felt Lokis gaze on me and turned to look at him. "you know he doesn't love you, he just makes it seem like it because he feels that whats expected of him" Loki comments obviously knowing what I'm thinking by the way he talks about Tony. I didn't want to believe him but he made me see all the times Tony has been cold towards me.

Flashback starts (before Tony was held captive in the first Ironman movie)

It was three in the morning and I woke up to the sound of something banging on the door to my room. I peel myself out of my warm bed and walk to the door when I open the door is hit with the smell of vodka and beer. "Hey Andy, whatcha doing?" Tony slurred as he leant on the door for support. "I was sleeping," I tell Tony not in the mood for this and still half asleep. "hey! don't take that tone with me! in the adult here is in charge or have you forgotten Andrea!" Tony yelled in my face still struggling to stand up straight. "Adult! you're a man-child tony, you only think about yourself and get pissed half the time. You have a problem with alcohol and I need sleep so goodnight!" I yell as I try to close the door but his foot stops it and he pushes in. "I have taken care you of since mom and dad died, in a good brother. how dare you to call me a man-child! If mom and dad hadn't of had you I would have had so much more time with them but no! Little baby Andrea had to suck all the attention and the love leaving me with nothing. LOVE SUCKER!" Tony yells before slapping me and leaving the room in a huff and yelling insults as he walks out of the house.

Tony left and went for a holiday to avoid me for three weeks. He didn't call once to see how I was and when he did return he acted like it never happened.

End of flashback

A tear rolled down my cheek, I can almost feel the sting of that slap. I know Tony was drunk but I think when people are drunk they have no filter so say what they feel and not how it will affect others. 

Loki wiped the tear off my face and gave me a sad look, "don't worry, he will pay and it will eat him up knowing his sister helped cause his downfall". I couldn't get any words out so I just nodded my head and rested it on Lokis shoulder as he sat next to me. The silence was a comfortable one among us. The sound of an explosion shook us out of our calm moment. A smile crept on my face as I knew this was the beginning of the end.

An agent walked in and opened the door of the cell and then walked away. Loki stood and walked out with me following behind like a lost puppy. we stood in the shadows and waited for someone to come. It wasn't long before Thor came barreling in, "No!" he yells as Loki makes an allusion that looks like us just leaving the cell. Thor tries to tackle our allusions but just passes through and falls to the ground. he stands up panting and looking very angry. 

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Loki asks standing proudly with his hands on his back. Thor swings his hammer in an effort to get to his brother, he quickly stops when one of the hooks keeping the cell suspended stands to unlatch. I am standing next to a guard by the entrance watching as the brothers stare at each other with hatred. "The humans think us immortal, what do you think Andy? shall we test that?" he asks with a big grin on his face, "I don't see why not" I reply matching his grin. The guard behind me falls to the ground as I am held against someone's chest and have a gun pointed at my head. I look at Loki and see a glimpse of worry in his eyes. "move away please" the man beside me says which makes me immediately recognize the voice as Phils. He won't tell the agent holding me to shoot me, he's like a father to me, but I'm not really me right now, is he going to shoot me. All these thoughts run through my head as Loki steps away from the button. 

"You like this? we started working on the prototype after you sent the destroyer, even I don't know what it does want to find out?" Phil asks as he fires up the weapon. 'don't worry, attack the guard holding you when I strike' Loki says in my head. Loki appears beside me right behind Phil and stabs his spear through his chest. I turned and head-butted the agent and he fell to the ground unconscious. Thor screamed against the glass as he watched Loki drop Phil to the ground.

I walked over to the controls with Loki, he pressed a button and the floor under the cell opened up making the wind blow around the room. "would you do the honours?" Loki asked me gesturing to the controls. I looked at Thor and smiled and I nodded my head excitedly. I pushed the button and the cell dropped a lot quicker than I expected I looked up at Loki and sent him a big smile which he returned with a chuckle.

"you're going to lose" I heard faintly as we started to walk away. "and why?" Loki asked looking back at a dying Phil on the ground. "It's in your nature and against yours Andy," Phil said, him saying my name made my heart ache. "Your heroes are scattered, your floating fortress falls from the sky where is my disadvantage?" Loki asks as he walks towards Phil. "you lack conviction" Phil says, "I don't think i" Loki begins but is cut off when Phil fires the weapon at Loki sending Loki crashing into me as we get sent through a wall. "so that's what it does" I hear Phil say to himself.

Loki stands up and pulls me up with him, he heals quickly but me being human it takes more time. He half acts as a crutch half as a wheelchair as we make our way out and towards a quin jet in the hanger. when we get on I don't see Clint and turn towards Loki with a confused look on my face. "Agent Barton was compromised which means we have to open the portal as soon as possible before they figure the plan out," Loki says as he sits opposite me in the jet.

Lots of drama in this chapter! Hope you are all enjoying it, till next week :) bye - Isabel

P.S.  kinda changed the writing style in this chapter and I'm wondering is it better or worse let me know how you guys feel in the comments :)

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