Gone{Chapter 18}

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Third pov

After Kumo left the arena everyone was left in silence and some coward from the still lingering powerful force she had emitted. Others from different lands were confused and some were angry thinking the leaf had gotten their hands on another jinjuriki(sp?).

"Hokage-Sama what do you order us to do?" An Anbu asked breaking the silence letting everyone here the Hokages response.

"Wait, she needs time to cool down......."he said softly but loud enough for everyone to here him especially a revengeful duck.

"Ummm... next match?"the the proctor questioned,"Sasuke Uchiha vs. Gaara no Subaku(sp?)."

To Kumo~

She walked down the empty street holding her limo friend in her arms silently crying. People that couldn't get into the arena whispered softly around her making her feel even worse because she could hear every word they said.

"Why is she crying?"

"Shouldn't she be at the exams?"

"Isn't that Hatake-sans daughter,why isn't he with her?"

The last comment struck a nerve ,but before she lost control something or someone took control of her body making her run deep into a forest faraway from the village. With her advanced hearing the small rustle is the trees was too easy to spot. But, the only response she got was the same thing controlling her to walk faster. Loud crashes,screams,and alarms could be heard coming from the village.

"Aren't you going to help them?"the voice asked in a low threatening tone.

"Why would i help people that kill with no regard,villagers that hurt each other,or a father who couldn't find and help his daughter in her most vulnerable state?"Kumo said emotionlessly but her lip slightly quivered not going unnoticed by the second person.

"Well then come with us." He asked still lurking in the shadows.

"Us?" Kumo thought she could only sense one person. But, suddenly they both walked out one a puppet, which explained why she couldn't sense him, and the other a blond girl?

"Are you a girl?"Kumo asked quite bluntly shocking the blond but just annoying the puppet.

"I AM MOST CERTAINLY NOT THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!"the blond shouted aggravating his partner.

"Tch, hurry up you're keeping me waiting."the whisper from the hunched figure surprisingly shocked the blond and made him quickly disseminate his anger. Both had stoic looks now as they looked at the unaffected Kumo that still held her limp friend....

"I'll come on one condition."Kumo stated I'm a manner that left no room for discussion.

"What is it"the puppet asked almost exasperatedly.

"Can I at least no where we are going first then have an area to .......

Bury her."


Well you can probable guess where she's going but SSSSOOOORRRAAAA *cries dramatic tears*

I'm sorry this chapters short though but I think I wrote it better than the other chapters and a lot happened in it so bye!

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