|Chapter 6|

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Liam's POV

It's a saturday morning and I lay in bed since yesterday I've been in that bar for too long to even remember at what time I got back home as I attempt to get back to sleep,the telephone starts to ring and as long as I wanted to pretend I didn't hear it, I had to pick up just in case there was an emergency at work.

"Hi sweetie! were you still sleeping?" her voice was way too happy at this time of the morning

"No mum, even though it's 7 in the morning..just taking some rest from work,have you heard about Ruth?"

"Yes,they called me yesterday to tell me that she had been put in isolation and got back in her room a few days ago, you should go and see if he's alright" her voice now a little more concerned

"but mum..she won't even talk to me due to the fight we had the last time.." I remind her

"Liam.." she warns

"alright, I'm going to see her today, don't worry mum, see you soon bye!"

"bye sweetie!"she says and then ends the conversation

She seemed very concerned about Ruth..I bet they told her more than she told to me, well, I'll know it in a few hours anyway.

I pick a change, undress myself and get in the shower and as the hot water covers me, I can't help but think about Ruth..I'm afraid she tried to escape or to suicide herself.

I know I shouldn't think about her that way, but that was the reason we put her there..she tried to kill herself and putting her in a psychotic center was the only way to prevent her death. I only pray that she is alone in her room, otherwise the girl in her room is in trouble.

I get out of the shower and lazily dress myself and checking the time I notice that I have 2 hours to be there so I grab my keys, I head to the car and enter it. I adjust myself on the seat, I am not ready to see her since the last time I visited her she was out of her mind..

I start to drive and before I know it I'm outside the psychotic center.

Ruth's POV

"Ruth Payne, you have to follow me" the doctor tells me as he enters the room

"where?" I said sternly

"you have visits"

"who came to visit me?" I say more to myself than to the doctor

"the person didn't told me who to announce, sorry"

It couldn't be my mum, she never came to visit so it can only be...

"Liam." I say annoyied as we arrive in the visits room

"Ruth, hi" he says in a worried tone

"what are you doing here?"

"what happened Ruth? why you have been put in isolation?" he says sitting on a chair in front of him


"the last time you said that a girl killed herself because you told her to not take the pills!" his voice rising now

"it's different this time Li, she's not crazy! I can tell by the nightmares she has at night, you're a doctor, and you should know that these pills' collateral effects shouldn't be nightmares..or at least she wouldn't be pale when she takes it..she needs to get out of here!"

Liam's POV

I hate how she doesn't mind her own business, but she could be right.. afterall these kind of pills don't let the person become pale.

"mind your own business Ruth" I warn her "don't get yourself in trouble, we don't even know why she's here"

"I can talk to her and ask her why she's here. But you have to help me to get her put of here"

"alright I'll see what I can do"

"Mr. Payne, the visit time is over" says the doctor who just entered the door

"see you soon Roo" I say calling her with the name I gave her when we were younger

she flashes me a smile, one of those smiles I haven't seen in ages "see you soon Li"

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