Chapter 24

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This Chapter is dedicated to another one of my best friends. She isn't afraid of anything just like Anastasia. That's why this is dedicated to her XD


  I agreed with what Joseph and Brian were talking about, but what Rueben and Lola were yelling at me I did not agree with.

  “You are to stay away from him! You’re not allowed to talk to him, walk with him; you’re not even allowed to look at him!” Rueben yelled.

  “That’s a little harsh! Don’t you trust me!?” I yelled back.

  The both stopped mid shout. That question always gets them. They know I’m honoured by everyone and many will follow me if we start fighting against each other. They know that if they go too far war will break out among us, not just against the Navines.

  Lola lowered her voice “We do trust you. What we don’t trust is what you might do if you stay with him.”

  I also lowered my voice but I used my annoyed voice to show some form of power over them. “Look I won’t do anything stupid. We will keep as just friends until after the final battle.”

  “Anastasia,” Rueben addressed me with my proper name which means he’s not happy and this is probably going to be a command “We do not want you to be near him. I agree not looking at him is a little absurd but I think it will be best if you stay away from each other.”

  I sigh. “I’m sorry but unless you don’t want to know about his powers that’s not an option.”

  “Anastasia that’s an order!” Lola almost yells at me.

  An order never goes down well with me, especially one that could result in flames because I’m the only one who can help Joseph. And ordering me to stay away will not help that cause; it will just make it worse.

  Rueben is starting to fume now because he knows what I was saying and then Lola, his partner, goes and makes it an order.

  All hell breaks loose as Rueben starts yelling at Lola and Lola yells back. Rueben says I was right while Lola argues against it.

  The door opens behind me and Brian and Joseph step out. They both look bewildered at the scene unfolding before them.

  I turn back to the two screaming at each other. What happens next results in utter catastrophe.

  Lola lunges at Rueben but Rueben quickly sidesteps which sends her crashing into the wall. A proper fight breaks loose as the two main leaders fight over the command that had just been issued.

  “Shouldn’t you step in?” Brian asks me.

  “No. I’m not allowed.” I reply looking at the fight unfolding.

  Lola unleashes her cat powers while Rueben releases his wolf. They both are connected to animals which is their power. Her nails extend and Rueben’s eyes glow.

  Growls are released and they both lunge at each other and start turning into their other forms.

  Now it is time for me to step in. I may get in trouble for interfering but I cannot let them fight like this.

  I use my powers to make myself stronger and faster and I leap into action. I use what I learnt in classes to knock both of them off of their feet and I injure Lola’s ankle so she will take longer to get up.

  I shorten my skirt and cloak and turn to face Rueben. He’s a furious wolf now, teeth bared and claws extended. But I’m not afraid of him, I never was. He lunges at me, I sidestep and grab his fur as he glides past me. I dig my own nails into him. If I cause him enough pain he will turn back into his human form. I dig harder and feel blood seep through his skin.

  His amber eyes are trained on me as I draw more blood. His eyes  slowly change colour and I let him go.

  I stand up from my crouching position just as Rueben changes back.

  His clothes are bloodied and he’s clutching his side. He bows his head at me “Thank you. I know you never wanted to do that and I hope you never have to again. And I take back the last command issued to you.”

  I bow my head in acceptance.

  Lola moans as she to transforms back.

  I explain to the two confused men about what just happened in our minds as I return myself to normal and repair the damage I did to Rueben.

  Once finished I walk in a new direction and tell the two men to follow me. Rueben says “Good girl” In my head as I lead them to their rooms.

  I leave them both in their own rooms which are right next to each other, and right down the hall from mine. I return to the weaponry rooms to do my duties.

  I report to Roderick and Regan. They are both brothers. It’s a little hard to tell since one wears glasses and the other wears armour almost all of the time.

  “Reporting for duty Sirs.” I say with a respectful salute. They are both my commanding officers so that means I take orders from them as well.

  “Hello Fox. I heard about what happened earlier with Rueben and Lola. I hope you’re okay.” Roderick always fusses over me, even though it seems impossible when you first meet him.

  “I’m fine. Not a scratch actually.”

  “Good. Then you can work with me. We will be going through our inventory of all of the weapons. You think you can do that?” Regan says with a sense of importance.

  “But of course.”

  They both beam at me as Regan and I walk over to the first room branching off of the main one.

  We take inventory of everything. Regan is grateful that I can count abnormally fast and can tell where everything is, even invisible things. Next I go with Roderick to check on the training grounds. We go there every week to check that the grounds are safe and that there is no sign of the enemy.

  It’s an ordinary day here at Sentra. The nature lovers are outside picking fruits from the orchards, there is Margaret teaching the newest warriors fighting moves on the softest patch of ground around this area. There are also many other warriors going around doing their own duties.

  I know that one or two warriors would be showing Brian and Joseph around by now. I dimmed the bond because I have training next and I like walking in the meadow towards the training grounds with Roderick in peace.

  The grounds are fine and Margaret is on time and surprised that I am too.

  “Well, well. Looks like Miss Silverwater could make it today.”

  “Ha ha. Very funny, but you know I have been busy.”

  “I know sweetheart, and we all thank you for that.” She says and gives me a reassuring hug. It surprises everyone that she actually hugs people. They all think she is mean and tough.

  But that is how we all are. None of us give off a true impression. The strongest warriors always give off a different impression just to throw their opponent off guard.

  I’m in a class of only a few because we are the strongest, the most cunning and we give off completely different impressions. There is Lillian, Josh, Hayden and me. Joseph is also joining us but not today because we are just going to go over a fighting tactic we started learning last time.

  That’s the good thing about my group. They always wait for me to be around. I’m usually off doing something somewhere and they also have missions of their own so we aren’t always together to train. We all wait for everyone to be there to properly train which we are all glad of otherwise we would all be trying to catch up and be time consumingly busy.

  Today we are going over the trick your opponent technique and seeing what special unique moves we have come up with ourselves.

  It’s back to the way it was: simple and easy.

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