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Epilogue: Anastasia

  The war is finally over. Joseph and I were elected leaders almost straight away by everyone, including the Navines. They wanted people who would shine light on everything, people who were strong enough to survive anything and people who would lead them through anything and would help them with anything. I guess you could say we were the perfect leaders.

  That day we all marched back to face the people who were left behind in the little town that Joseph left behind. Everyone who was not fighting went to that town to wait for our return. When we came out of the woods and everyone saw us cries of joy were screamed and everyone rushed to the injured.

  I had taken away most of their pain and healed them as much as I could so we could make the journey without anyone else dying. Nobody did but they were all injured badly.

  Roderick had badly broken his right arm and his twin, Regan had lost a leg in battle so some men had to carry him. Regan had lost his left leg from the knee down. But he didn’t mind, just as long as he could continue with his work he was fine.

  Margaret was dead. I cried on Joseph’s shoulder when I found out. She was my teacher; she has taught me nearly everything I know, so the reality of her death hit me hard.

  Cameron wasn’t dead. He was fine, not a scratch, unless he used his special powers to trick me into thinking he was fine. But he was alive anyway. At least I had one brother left to look out for me.

  Lola and Rueben were fine but Lola had a concussion and lost some of her memory so now Rueben is doing everything he can to bring back her memory. They can no longer help us as advisers. Instead they are just ordinary people now, trying to stay alive for each other.

  Brian, Jayden, Marie and Benjamin are all dead. I killed Marie and Cameron killed Benjamin. I didn’t want them to die, but they betrayed us all so we had to lay them to rest so they didn’t have to live with their betrayal. So we did them a favour and that is how I will leave it.

  It is now a few days after the final battle and Joseph and I hadn’t properly grieved because we had many things to attend to along with a celebration.

  We are alone now and the tears are flowing. Joseph never had a proper grieving time for his real father or Brian. He has finally let their souls rest in peace and in the process has let his own soul rest on the future instead of the past.

  I let all of my tears fall. I let all of the sadness and pain wash away in those tears. The past is the past; it is time we lived in the future.

Two Years Later

  A little while after the final battle Joseph dug up the courage to ask my brother, Cameron and my two uncles, Roderick and Regan for my hand in marriage. Since I have no real family left after my mother died taking me to Sentra, my father died at the final battle and my brother died by being too arrogant. So instead I was adopted, kind of.

  Lola and Rueben said they would be my parents and Roderick and Regan said they would be my uncles and Cameron agreed to be my brother.

  I now have a real family. Lola is slowly becoming herself again and Rueben is still rushed off his feet even though we are all doing everything we can to help him. So they were out of the boy’s conversation.

  I had no idea at the time because I was out teaching young magicians magic. The boys had a wonderful conversation; well that’s how Cameron, Roderick and Regan describe it. Joseph on the other hands describes it as scary, frightening and nothing but threatening! Apparently they told Joseph that he had to look after me or there would be blood to pay. Everyone knows how scary those men can be.

  But in other words they agreed and now Joseph and I are married. We are happy.

  Our new generation no longer has to live in a world of war and death. Instead they live in a world of happiness and joy. We called our new generation the Magics because we are very original.

  The city we live in is the underground Sentra. We renamed it to Evergreen as a reminder to all that this will stay as a beautiful, peaceful place as long as our generation lives. And it will live.

The End

I have finally finished this book! It took forever but I have finally finished it! I would love to thank everyone who helped make this possible and I would name them all but I am afraid there are too many names. :P

So thank you all! For reading, voting and commenting! You guys are amazing and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! So once again thank you!

I will stop rambling now! Happy Reading! ~Melissa :D

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