2. Not. Again.

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Disclaimer I don't own any characters or the show backstage.
Mile's POV

Me and Alya talked for the whole free period. Now a week later she still doesn't know and I have an instant friend. We've only been here 2 weeks and I already have 2 friends. Jax wanted to know if I could skip the orientation with him so we could talk. I don't like being to social but I hesitantly agreed. We say in front of the school just talking until Mr. Park showed up. "Can I talk to Miles a lone for a minute Jax?" He asked. That's all it took for my only friend to leave me. Mr. Park sat next to me. "Are you feeling okay Miles?" I hate when people ask me that question. When I don't answer, Mr. Park tries again. "Miles? Are you okay? Because you aren't acting like yourself. Unless you have a good explanation I'm going to have to give you detention." "DETENTION". Now my anxiety starts to flare up. We didn't tell anybody about my anxiety because it was never fully diagnosed. I started to feel that twist in gut and my vision started to swim. But I had to keep it cool so that nobody thought that I was the teacher pet. I said "I'm fine I'm just sick and tired of everyone babying me!" With that the doors opened. Mr. Park went back inside and Jax came out. I started to feel better knowing Jax would be with me. We were walking the halls during our free period when something really bad happened. I felt the twisting in my gut. And the stabbing pain in my side. I asked if Jax could go get Mr Parker and bring him to the boys bathroom. And we both rushed off in different directions.
Not again.
Not again.
Not. Again.
Jax's POV

As I ran down the hall to Mr. Parks room I started to wonder what had happened. When I got there I explained everything in a hurry. "I'll go check on Miles you just stay here. Grab a water bottle and a breakfast bar from my cabinet and just wait here." I don't know what the big deal was. He probably just ate something bad for breakfast. As I was going to grab the water from the cabinet I saw a pill bottle. I know that it's bad to snoop but it and a label on it saying 'JUST IN CASE' on it. It had Miles name on it. I was about to look it up on my phone until I heard a sound coming from the boys bathroom. I grabbed the water careful to make it look like I just grabbed a water and sat back down.
Mr. Parks POV

When Jax came in I knew he had no idea what was happening to Miles. I knew exactly what was happening to Miles. He probably hasn't eaten breakfast because of his illness and now he's throwing up due to jot eating. I told Jax to wait in the classroom and grab just a water bottle. When I reached the bathroom I see a open stall with feet sticking out of it. When I walk over there it's Miles hunched of the toilet seat about ready to spill out his guts. "Mile's I know tou hate this but do you want me to write you a note saying that your helping me and you can skip your next class?" Before answering he threw up in the toilet wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. His throat was probably burning from throwing up so he just nodded. I helped him into a standing position. We walked over to the sink so he could wash his hands and wipe his mouth. Then I helped him walk the distance back to my classroom.
Mile's POV

Once I got on there I got down on my knees and leaned over the toilet. I had already thrown up twice before Mr. Park walked in. He asked me if I wanted an excuse to get out of my next class. I really hate being treated like this but I felt like I should skip my next class. I threw up one more time before nodding. Mr. Parks helped my up into a standing position and helped me over to the sinks. I washed my hands and wiped my face. I almost fell over during the process of walking but luckily Mr. Parks grabbed my arm and slung it over his shoulder. Then he helped me walk down the hallway.
Mr. Parks POV

We stumbled a few times from Miles tripping over his feet but I didn't mind. He looked paler and more tired that I've ever seen him before. I can tell he is already having a hard time balancing School, Life, and Illness. When we get to the classroom Jax stands up and rushes over to help me with Miles. We sit him down and Jax hands him the water bottle. He drinks it really in slow long sips. He's starting to get back on his face and he looks a little better.
Jax's POV

When Mr. Parks enters the room with Miles I instantly become aware or what's happening. Mile's has thrown up and Mr. Park knows why but I still don't. I handed him the water and he drank the whole bottle. But when
Mr. Parks handed him a breakfast bar he didn't want it. I was about to question when the bell rang.

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