5. Mr. Parks house

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Mile's POV
When we get to his house it smells like coffee. I know it's a weird thing to say but it does. He showed me to the guest room and said that I'd be sleeping here for a while. He gave me a mini tour of the house pointing out how to get to the bathroom and what rooms he will most likely be in. All I have to do is wake him up of something's wrong right? I think. "Oh and Miles, If you need anything anything at all I'm right down the hall. I am exhausted from the hospital stay so I just lay down. Without knowing I drift off to sleep. I wake up and it's dark outside. There is a blanket over me and my door is closed. I get up and walk down to the kitchen remembering that i never ate breakfast or dinner. Mr. Parks is also in the kitchen. "Hey Miles. Do you want something to eat? I was about to make dinner" I look at the clock. It's only 6 pm. I have been here for 7 hours and i slept the whole time. After dinner i decide to go back to sleep. I think the sedative is still wearing off because I'm so tired that changing into pajamas seems so tiring. I fall asleep right there with my hoodie still on.


Mr. Parks POV

When we got to my house I showed Miles to his room. I gave him a quick mini tour making sure he knew where i sleep and where the bathroom and kitchen is. I was about to walk away when i hear miles mutter something to himself. "Oh and Miles, If you need anything I'm right down the hall i say. I walk down to my office and see Miles walk down to his room. I check in on him about 2 hours later and he was asleep on his bed. He looked cold so I threw a blanket over him. I was dong schoolwork when I heard something fall. I was guessing that it was Miles coming to the kitchen for something to eat. He was very clumsy so i made sure to remove anything super breakable from the halls which wasn't hard. He walks into the kitchen and i ask him if there is anything he wants to eat. I make us 2 PB&J sandwiches and then he goes back to his bedroom. Around 10 pm I go to bed. When I'm walking by i see miles in bed sleeping. 'At least he's under the covers' I think. I chuckle lightly to myself before falling asleep.

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