Ivar: Unexpected child

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You turned around in the bed, closing your eyes against the early sunlight, enjoying the little bit of silence there still was. Until you felt somebody kissing your forehead and you squeezed your eyes together before you opened them softly. 'I'm very disappointed in you.' Ivar whispered. Your eyes cleared up by his presents. 'You're back.' 'And you weren't there.' He replied, stroking your hair. You felt guilty for a minute there, knowing he would have looked out for you at arrival but something else kept you busy. 'I had a rough couple of days.' You yawned and he frowned his eyebrows. 'What could be,' his words got cut off by the scream of a baby the room next. You rushed out of bed, leaving him there with his mouth open and totally confused. When you came back you had a little one on your arm, hardly a year old. 'What is that?' He asked, pointing a finger to that child on your arm. 'A child.' 'I didn't left you pregnant.' He followed, his mouth hanging slightly open when you sat the child down on the bed. He looked from the little girl to you. 'I adopted her, parents died, she had nowhere to go.' 'You adopted her?' He asked shocked. 'Are you crazy.' And there was his temper again. 'You didn't thought of talking that over with me?' 'Ivar,' You protested but he shook his head. 'Get it out.' 'No.' 'Fine, I will go out.' And he crawled out, leaving you alone with that little girl.

You didn't saw him the whole day and it devastated you. You sat on the bed with her, laughing because of the way she was playing when you noticed Ivar lurking at the both of you. He signed, crawling inside and you turned around to him. 'I'm sorry. You come home from your raid and I didn't even loved you properly.' You felt ashamed and he just shook his head, pulling himself onto the bed. 'Your heart is to big Y/n.' He muttered, laying down, tired because you chased him away after a raid. You laid aside him on your stomach, carefully stroking your finger over his forehead. 'I can't give you children.' He began. 'You don't know that.' 'You do, otherwise you wouldn't take another child in.' He reacted. You looked aside to the little girl, crawling over to Ivar. He pulled his arm in defense back but she crawled to his chest, snuggling against it. 'I did it not because I think I can't have children of my own, I did it because she has nothing left.' You tried to explain. He signed, looking aside to the little girl that was watching him. 'I'm not taking responsibility and if she cries at night I'm gonna kill you.' He stated, giving in. You smiled, lowering you head to kiss him. 'Thank you.' You whispered, looking to his deep blue eyes. 'Now get her out so I have you all to myself.' He commanded, fingers stroking your collarbone. You looked aside to the sleeping child. 'You really want to wake her up?' You asked. Ivar looked aside, rolling his eyes because she lay against his chest. He looked tired to. 'Get some sleep yourself.' You suggested. He grunted something angry and you smiled, resting your head on his chest. 'I'm gonna regret this.' He huffed with his eyes closed. You laid your head aside him, kissing him softly. 'One day she will turn out like you, not in blood, but surly as brave and tempered as you are.' You whispered.  

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