Ubbe: Sleeping beauties

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You hated days like this more than anything in the world. Yes, harvest time held his long days and with that you were totally exhausted over it. Even now, when it was almost dark and the last bales of hay were brought inside you were still finding some energy to finish the work. Why were you even doing this work? You loved your parents, you promised them to take care of their grounds even after they passed away but this was too much. You had a husband at home, a daughter and here you were working until you didn't fell your arms anymore. You forced the last bale of hay in the shed and let your head rest on your arms, wiping away the sweat that formed on your forehead.
'Go home sister.' You brother said concerned. With two brothers at your side you didn't dare to get of work earlier. They maybe were stronger but you were the eldest so you head to show them that keeping your parents honor was not only a promise. You looked aside to the both of them and slowly nodded.
'Mother and father would be proud of you both.' You smiled.
'More of you.' Your one brother winked. You laughed softly, shaking your head before pulling a strand of hay out of your clothes.
'Let's all go home.' You announced, looking up to the moon that shined down through the cracks of the shed.

Coming home normally contained a that fresh insecure smile of a baby daughter or a husband kissing you home. But none of those things happened when you entered the house. You pulled your shoes of and walked to the bedroom. There they were, Ubbe laying on his back with your daughter curled up against his side, an arm secured around her little body. You almost cried because of the picture, mostly because you were so tired. You rested your head against the wall and looked at the both of them, her tiny fingers curled up around one of his, what made you at least smile a little. You walked back out, fleshing yourself a little up before changing clothes. By the time you turned back to the bedroom your daughter had shift a little. You carefully tried to lie down on the other side of Ubbe but it woke him up. You forced a smile on your lips, looking over his sleep drunken face. He squeezed his eyes together, rubbing his hand over his forehead.
'You are just home?'
'Shht.' You nodded to your daughter. Ubbe looked aside before he opened his free arm and you crawled into his embrace. 'Yes, just home.' You whispered, placing a kiss against his cheek. He saw the exhaustion on your face because his eyes turned all concerned. You crossed your arm over his chest and rested your head on it. 'I almost cried seeing the both of you laying here.' You said on a little emotional voice.
'You are tired.'
'I can't handle this anymore.' You confessed. He carefully unwrapped his arm from your daughter and cupped your face with it.
'Let me do the work.'
'No Ubbe.' You laid your hand over his and shook your head. 'My parents, my responsibility.' You stated. He sighed and studied your face.
'Your brothers won't mind. You have a daughter, she is missing you, I miss you.'
'Please don't make me feel worse than I'm already feeling.' You whispered.
'I'm not,' he paused, leading your face closer. You wrapped your hand around his shoulder and kissed him softly, tender. He wrapped you in his embrace and you rested your head against his, looking into his amazingly blue eyes. 'I'm just concerned.' He whispered, finger unknotting the braid in your hair. 'Let me talk to your brothers.' He suggested. You closed your eyes, listening to his steady breath before nodding.
'Thank you, for this.' You whispered. If he hadn't woke up you probably would feel guilty, broken, not being able to sleep.
'I would move mountains for you.' He whispered against your temple. You closed your eyes, concentrating to his tight embrace before the exhaustion took you back to your dreams. Life would mean nothing if it was without Ubbe Ragnarsson. Now, life was everything to you, he was everything, your daughter was everything and you knew you could handle tomorrow, only for them.  

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