12. chip switch

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Haley's P.O.V.

As many of you know, Leo is my best friend so if he decides to do something, it's probably best if I do it with him. Principal Perry decided it was a good idea to install an elevator that only the teacher's could use. She should've known that Leo and I were planning on using it anyways.

Leo and I were both in the elevator listening and dancing to some music, but of course, as soon as the elevator opened, there was Perry.

"Dooley! Ford! What are you doing in my elevator?" She asked pointing a finger at us.

"We're enjoying the music. Today's is love songs from the 90's." I told her as I continued to dance.

"Wanna dance?" Leo asked her as we both held our arms out.

"Use the stairs," She told us and we both walked out of the elevator, "This is exactly how healthy kids become unhealthy adults."

"Really? Are we having this conversation?" Leo asked her as we looked at her up and down. She had no place giving us this conversation.

"For your information, I'm a speed walker. Perhaps you've seen me at the Mission Creek Mall giving the shoppers a little eye candy." She said proudly before walking away. Leo and I both looked at each other and gagged before turning to walk after her.

"Listen up, space fillers!" She said to the entire school, "This is emergency preparedness week. An emergency drill could happen at any time so when the alarm sounds, you must evacuate the building in an orderly fashion. Like cattle. If cattle had acne. And braces. And a future filling up my gas tank."

She laughed before walking away, and I couldn't help but think about what a joy she was. Sarcastically though. Leo and I saw Adam, Bree, and Chase so we walked over to them.

"Oh man! I wish I had Bree's super speed because you do not want to be stuck behind cows in an emergency. Trust me on that!" Adam was saying to Bree and Chase.

"You would trade your super strength for Bree's super speed? Man, if I had your strength, I'd just run out of the building juggling those cows." Chase said to Adam.

"Yeah, and if I had your super intelligence, I'd have walked away from this conversation thirty seconds ago." Bree said to Chase.

"You know what would be awesome? If you guys took out your bionic chips and switched your abilities." I pointed out to them.

"That would be awesome!" Leo agreed with me. Adam, Bree, and Chase all looked at each other and smiled.

"Why can't we?" Chase asked them.

"I call your super smarts!" Bree said to Chase.

"I call your super speed!" Adam said to Bree.

"I call your super strength!" Chase said to Adam.

"I call good looks and charisma! Oh, too late. Already got them." Leo said. I rolled my eyes.

"I call getting the heck out of here!" I said.

Before the four of them could say anything, I walked away quickly to my locker.


The next day before school, the five of us were down in the lab. Adam, Bree, and Chase were beyond excited to switch their chips and I honestly was too. It is going to be awesome seeing them with different abilities.

"If you guys are going to switch your chips before school, don't you think you should run this by Davenport first?" Leo asked them.

"Are you insane?" I asked him.

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