17. night of the living virus

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Haley's P.O.V.

When I arrived at the Davenports' that afternoon, I wasn't even surprised when I walked inside and saw the three boys playing their video game "Mental Chaos." That's all they've been playing for the past two weeks, and it's really starting to get on Tasha's nerves. I dropped my bag next to the door and walked into the kitchen to get a drink. Bree was having a sleepover tonight with the most popular girls in school, and she practically begged me to come. At first, I told her that I wasn't going to do it because I absolutely despise Stephanie, but I eventually gave in because Bree is my best friend and I knew that she would do the same thing for me.

"Yes! We're so going to make it to the final level!" Chase said while I was pouring myself a glass of fruit punch. When they died, they all sighed and collapsed onto the couch.

"I just wasted three hours of my life getting to that level! I'm never playing Mental Chaos again." Leo complained.

"Me neither." Chase and Adam both agreed. Even I knew that they would go back to playing that game in less than two seconds. I was correct. They shot up off the couch and started playing it again.

"Leo, will you stop playing that game?" Tasha asked when she walked into the room, "It's nothing but a huge time waster, which is going to rot your brain.

"Oh, Mental Chaos! I got next!" Davenport shouted excitedly as he ran down the stairs and jumped over the couch. Tasha gave her husband a look.

"Donald! I was just telling Leo that he's playing too much." Tasha said to him.

"You're telling me. He almost beat my high score!" Davenport said, clearly not getting Tasha's hint.

"I'm just saying that this game is effecting him. Last week, he tried to pause me. Twice!" Tasha said, and I had to agree with her on that one. I walked around the counter and over to them.

"Not to mention he tried to lower the volume on me while I was talking to him about something last week because he was watching a TV show. He got all confused when the TV's volume was getting lower and not mine." I said.

"That would really come in handy." Davenport said and the boys all agreed. They all looked nervous when they saw the looks on my and Tasha's faces.

"If it wasn't so wrong." Davenport tried to cover up, but it really didn't work out. I rolled my eyes and walked away to grab my fruit punch.

"Leo, what else are you interested in?" Davenport asked him.

"Well, I keep telling you that I'd love to work with you in the lab." Leo said to him.

"Yeah, and I keep telling you that I don't want to die in a fiery explosion." Davenport laughed as he walked inside the kitchen.

"Donald, this is perfect! Leo wants to be like you, and... you love you." Tasha said to her husband. I walked over and sat down next to Adam and Chase on the couch.

"The lab is where I go to investigate the complex mystery that is me." Davenport said to her.

"Well, now you can investigate the complex mystery that is Leo." Tasha said to him as she lightly pushed Leo towards him.

"I'm deep, baby!" Leo said to him.

Davenport sighed and exclaimed, "But he's going to touch all of my stuff!"

Tasha gave him a pleading look and he eventually gave him, "Fine! He can be my... lab assistant."

"I prefer scientific leazon." Leo said to him.

"Yeah? How about Vice President Of 'Stop Talking Before You Blow It?'" Davenport asked him. Leo walked away from him, and Adam and Chase went back to playing their stupid game. Bree walked down the stairs and she sighed loudly.

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