Days don't feel real anymore
I've been here several long months
And I don't know how much longer I'll stay
I'm tired
I'm used
I have nothing left to give anymore
Just one thing
I pull away from the girl
Dress as quickly as possible
I don't look at her
Pretend I don't see her shaking
I leave with another part of my soul lost
They are serving food again
I realize just how hungry I am
A window on the far side of the grove is where they serve us food
Sometimes they leave out a crate of peanuts and crackers for the males
They like to see us fight over it
Sometimes I can't believe it's my own kind that does this to us
But then I remember it's also the humans, the guards
Those promised wealth
Those greedy and heartless enough to watch their own
Human girls
Raped and used
For the benefit of Raize, the Human-Otherian terrorist group that imprisoned us here with lies and false hope
It's almost comical
The fucking insanity of it all
In the end
We were all betrayed
I am first in line
When I came here
They separated us into classes based on genes, physique, and stamina
After a multitude of tests
They placed me as the Alpha
A mock leader
They needed someone the rest would look up to
Someone they could follow
I didn't want it
I wanted to blend in with the rest
Become invisible
I grabbed a small metal tray and walked up to the window
One of the girls I knew from before
Is serving blocks of unidentifiable white meat
She gives a small smile as I pass
At the next window
I almost stop
The human with blue hair is there
Her eyes lowered
Scooping vegetable goop
I move up to the window
She blinks
And slowly her eyes move up
They look into my soul
And I feel naked
She grits her teeth and scoops the vegetables
Letting it slap my plate
Splattering all over my favorite shirt
I glance down
It will definitely leave a stain
Looking back up at her
She meets my gaze with her strange eyes
The color reminds me of the night sky back home
There's undeniable loathing in those purple depths
I smile
Romance"We are all monsters Some of us are just better at hiding it Skin is deceitful A mask Over the dark shadows that lie underneath..."