Chapter 2: I'm Going Crazy

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Fuli ran as fast as her legs could carry her leaving Kion and her friends behind.

Just keep running Fuli, don't look back, just keep running! She said to herself.

"Fuli! wait up!" said Kion catching his breath, stop running!"

Fuli then stopped to hide behind a boulder, hoping Kion wouldn't find her.

Kion skidded to a halt,  to look for her.

"Fuli? where are you? please, you don't have to hide from me." Said Kion trying to search for his friend.

No, no, please don't find me... please don't find me..... She said to herself panicking.

Fuli tried to keep herself hidden, but sure enough Kion had found her hiding spot.

"Fuli! there you are!" Said Kion as he startled her.

"K- Kion what are you doing here?" Said Fuli nervously,  as she slowly turned to face him.

"Fuli, I came for you of course!" Said Kion, is something wrong? you're not acting like yourself today."

"No, it's nothing." Said Fuli, turning away from him.

"Alright Fuli what's going on?" Said Kion annoyed walking around to face her.

"I told you it's nothing!" Fuli snapped. She tried to keep herself from telling him, but Kion wasn't having it.

"Fuli! I've chased you all the way down here because I was worried about you now tell me what is it!?"  Kion growled,  as he stepped his paw in front flashing a angry stare, that immediately made Fuli regret what she had said.

"Ugh, well I guess I have to tell you now...." She murmured. fine, I'll tell you okay? but, you have to promise not to tell anyone got it?"

"Of course, Fuli you can tell me anything we're best friends." Said Kion, staring intensely in his friend's eyes.

"Okay... well I had a dream, and it was really weird." Said Fuli, as Kion tilted his head in confusion.

"A dream? what was it about?" Asked Kion.

"Well, me and you were in it, and I remember you told me to round up the zebra... you know like you did today?"

"Yeah.... go on.." He said.

"And after I did that, uh well... you umm walked up to me really close." She said facing away from him embarrassed.

"Oh, uh haha I did?" He questioned.

"Yeah... um you did, but that wasn't the only crazy thing that happened."

"Then what was the other crazy thing?"

"It was the fact that I did the exact same thing in my dream, and then when you told us great job... I thought you were gonna-"

"Oh... no no! Fuli why would you think that? I don't remember me planning to do that, and besides, that would be awkward.. we're just friends." Said Kion as he laughed uncomfortably.

"Yeah, yeah just friends... nothing more." Said Fuli, as she walked away from Kion walking up the hill with her head down.

Did.. I... just... get... Friendzoned? She thought to herself.

Hey wait, where are you going?" Asked  Kion, trailing behind her.

"Oh, I was just heading back to the lair you know, to meet up with the rest of the guard." Said Fuli, as she continued walking with Kion behind her.

"Well, why don't you walk with me?" Kion asked her, smiling as he caught up with her.

"Y- yeah! sure! that would be nice." Said Fuli blushing a little at the thought of him and her walking together, alone.

"Great, let's go." Said Kion,  as he friendly nudged her shoulder, with his head.

Together Kion and Fuli walked the rest of the way home side by side their fur brushing up against each other. The whole way Fuli was having butterflies in her stomach, she soon realized that she began to develop feelings for him, though the young lion cub never knew.

Does Fuli really do like Kion? or is it just her mind? Who knows..... Find out in part 3... coming this Saturday Oct, 14, 2017.

Stay tuned! Love you all❤️❤️❤️

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