Chapter 10: The Kiss

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Back in the pride lands, Kion and the guard were inside the lair enjoying themselves peacefully. Bunga is on his back, looking up at the cave ceiling boringly.

"Gee, I'm bored!!" Said Bunga out of boredom.

"How can you be bored? you're always jumping around like a little cricket." Said Fuli, rolling her eyes smiling.

"Well, yeah but there's nothing to jump about! it's just so boring in here, you know what I'm gonna head outside later guys." Said Bunga as he hopped up off the cave floor, but before he could step outside rain poured down and the sound of thunder was heard in the distance.

"Or not...." Said Bunga groaning annoyingly.

"Bunga, why don't you just lay down with me since your so bored, maybe you can rest after all it has been a long day." Offered Kion, laughing a little.

"Sure I guess, it's the only thing to do in here anyway." Said Bunga, as he hopped on the rock where Kion was laying on, and curled up beside him.


"Okay, so here's the plan I'm  gonna trap Madoa, so that Jasiri will run and get Kion then after that, Kion is gonna come and that's when we'll capture him, got it?" Said Janja glancing at Badili.

"Got it, but uh what about the other hyenas? aren't they gonna help us?" Asked Badili shyly.

"Oh don't worry about them furbrains, we don't need them for this plan... HAHAHA!" Said Janja.

Jasiri and Madoa were playing with the cubs.

"They sure are cute! well, you keep on playing with them Jasiri, I'm gonna head to the watering hole and get some water, I'll be right back." Said Madoa, as she padded off towards the nearby watering hole.

When Madoa, came to drink she felt like someone was behind her so she ignored it, but then Janja jumped out from behind her, and startled her.

"J- Janja! what are you doing here!?" Said Madoa nervously.

"HAHAHA! well, well, well if it isn't the worthless hyena all alone, by herself." Said Janja walking around her in circles.

"What do you want Janja!?" Said Madoa furiously trying to escape from him.

"Well, since you're out here all alone, no one to defend you, then you're useless!" Said Janja as he launched at her knocking her down. Madoa tried to fight him, but she was too weak without Jasiri being there, she couldn't defend herself. Janja had trapped her.

Jasiri was getting worried, and suspicious why her sister wasn't back yet, so she decided to get her.

"Madoa? Madoa? where are you?" Said Jasiri noticing that she was no longer at the watering hole.

But then she saw Janja pinning Madoa down not letting her go. She panicked,  but she knew she had to tell Kion so she ran back to the pride lands.

Jasiri ran into the lair as fast as she could, when she got there she noticed everyone resting but she didn't care she  needed their help.

"Kion! Kion!" Said Jasiri waking everyone up.

Kion awoke by the sound of her voice and was alerted.

"Jasiri? what is it? what's wrong?" He asked standing up.

"It's it's my sister! Janja has trapped her and I don't know what to do! the cubs could be in danger too!" Said Jasiri panicking.

"Well, don't worry Janja can't do anything once I'm around." Said Kion hopping off his rock. He turned to face the guard.

"Guys, don't worry I can handle this Janja's hyenas aren't here today so I can do this okay?" Clarified Kion.

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