If You Were Their Kid ( some g00d ol fluff 🔥)

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ok ok ok I'm in a mood rn and I'm craving dadvid so b a d fuck

This was gonna be a danvid thing but I decided to write that separate
hope you enjoy this you grain of salt.


• ok lemme just say he would be the best dad

• he would also be a little overprotective

• he's there for you no matter what

• seriously you could be 70,000,000 miles away and he would be there in 0.1 seconds if you had a bad day

• he loves the shit out of you and does anything to prove that

• him taking you to the park all the time to try to get you to love nature as much as he does

• him telling you the crazy stuff the campers got into as bedtime stories

• you being the mini-co-counsler at Camp Campbell

• him overreacting if you hurt yourself


•"I'm ok Dad what the fuck"

"L A N G U A G E"

you curse around him all the time because you think his reaction is hilarious

• him not knowing how to punish you for it because he can't bring himself to ground you

• he always tucks you in at night no matter what

• even if you can put yourself to bed he needs to at least give you a good night kiss on the cheek

• he never wants you to grow up so you two can always be together



he doesn't know how to properly take care of you at first due to his,,,previous experiences with children

• "what the hell do I feed it help me Xeemuug"

• he probably buys a parenting book or some shit

• "children are disgusting"

• it got easier to take care of you when you got a little bit older

• he spoils the fuck out of you lemme tell ya

• "Daddy, can I have this?" "Sure, why not."

• he's actually a pretty cool dad

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