cultist? cultist.

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this MiGHt Be wEiRD BUt :v.

This gets creepy. This is Daniel we're talking about for christ's sake.

Danny boi loves kisses so much hECK. Passionate kisses, sweet kisses, hell, even short pecks on the lips he LIVES FOR THEM. He'll kiss you all over your body ajjahwkwlasnsj kisses are his absolute fave.
He also loves it when you hold him. Just you returning his affection is heaven to him HEC K. Like, just cradle him on your arms and pet his hair if he's upset about something.

Dan would give you the world if he could. He would fuckibg kill for you. He just loves you so much?? Never leave this boi.
He's extremely overprotective too. He doesn't like it when you're out of the house for very long because he's afraid you'll get hurt or some dumb shit. He'd good at hiding it but he worries about you constantly. If anybody else talks to you, even if he knows you're loyal as fuck and they're just a friend or relative, he'll consider breaking their goddamn kneecaps. He's not a people person, so he doesn't understand why he can't be the only person in your life. You're the only one he wants to talk to and be with, so why can't it be the same with you? As soon an you're done talking he'll wrap his arm around your waist protectively.
He just wants to protect you from all the horrible things on this god forsaken planet. He doesn't see why he couldn't just lock you up in a room that would have everything you need.
Food, a bed, him, etc. You would be safe and happy. His intentions are good though. He won't do it if you don't go through with it.

He's literally obsessed with you. He is a creepy lil shit, after all. He has a folder full of pictures of you. He writes about how much he adores you in his journal. He has pictures of you sleeping in his phone. He wants to do everything with you. He's all you need. You're all he needs. He'll do anything for you. You've made a yandere out of this man, y/n. He probably has an apple you took a bite out of and licks the teeth marks. Who knows.
He used to stalk you a lot before you two got together. Even after you became close friends he would stalk you. Not in a pervy way though. Unless you're into that I don't kinkshame.

Oh Jesus heck does this boy love you. He would never let you go in a million years. He's a creepy fuck, but you love him anyway. He probably loves you more than you love him tbh. But it doesn't matter. As long as you know you'll always he his. And he'll always be yours. :)))))))

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