A Simple Crack Fic

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I'm bored. Read this. Vote. Leave a request and go. I'm forcing you to. I love you all.

You were just walking around camp for no reason whatsoever. The author doesn't know how to start fics so lets roll with it

All of a sudden you heard a voice that made you melt like a frozen stick of ((gluten f r e e)) butter on a hot day. "Eyy lil mama lemme whisper in ya ear" Daniel. "What do you want fuckass?" you said.
Daniel had a red cup in his hand. "Wanna reach assention with me bb??" there was a glint of desperation in his eyes. Or maybe he was just extremely excited to die who knows. "Not on my family friendly WattPad account 😤" Daniel looked kinda pissed. He walked away. He played with his knife for a while. drank some Kool-aid. Made out with David. Pulled a few fiddles out of his ass. Made out with David again. Normal stuff ya know.

"EYYYYY IT'S THE L O V E L Y  Y/N!!! I NEED YA FOR A FEW SECONDS BAB" He yelled in your ear, as Kool-Aid slowly poured out of the cup and onto your $5 Nike shoes. You decided to do what he wanted.  "So baby I just need you to get in this purification sauna for me ok" before you could respond he pushed you in. "Guess I'll die" you said, before becoming completely brainwashed.

You walked out of the sauna and all the campers were dead. David was mumbling something about pine trees and looked traumatized. Daniel was sipping Kool-Aid. Daniel looked over to you, grabbed your hand and left.

You got married n shiz.

The End.

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