Henry Bowers (2017)

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This is gonna be kinda long

Warnings: language

Fear. The only thing that runs through me at this moment. Patrick, Henry, Belch, and Vic all chased me through the woods. Now when talking to the Bowers gang it isn't always in your best interest of being a smart a*s to stand up for your friends. Calling them all f*ck buddies wasn't one of my brightest ideas but when inspiration strikes,you gotta just go with it. Now don't get me wrong, Henry is one good looking a*shole and I may have a crush on him. I think he might feel the same because I've caught him starring at me in class, but then again im running from him right now so maybe not. "You can't run forever Y/N" Henry yelled after me. I continued to run even though my place was starting to slow. He was right, I couldn't run forever. I turned my head. Henry was ahead of all of his goons by a good 20 feet. Great so if I get caught its gonna be by Henry. A river appears out if nowhere. Great now not only am I most definetly going to get caught by the bowers gang,my shoes and socks are gonna be soaked and its starting to get dark. I get to a bank and try to get up but Henry grabs the back of my shirt and yanks me back. I land in the water which now covers my whole body and not just my feet. "We got her boys". Henry pulled out his knife while the rest of his goons surrounded me. "H-henry come on you don't have to do this." I started shaking out of fear and being absolutely freezing. Now his goons were holding on to me so I couldn't move. "Come on cut her henry" he lifted your shirt up and put the knife to your stomach but he hesitated "stop being chicken and cut her" he mouthed sorry? Did henry bowers just apologize. The knife was pushed into my skin. He started carving something into me. I started screaming. Henry finally stopped after atleast 2 minutes "leave" "but henry-" "I SAID LEAVE. Im not done with her" The goons got off me and left. I pulled my legs up to my chest. I felt Henry sit next to me. I tried standing up but Henry grabbed my elbow and pulled me down. "Don't touch me"I screamed but he continued to pull me down next to him and hold me there "I didn't want to Y/N. I didn't I really didn't. I didn't cut as deep as I normally do. It won't even scar Y/N I promise. Please forgive me Y/N. I like you. I like you so much that I love you but I just screwed up. Please forgive me." I nodded. His arm had moved from holding my elbow to slung over my shoulder pulling me closer. "I-I-I l-like you t-t-to" Henry looked down at me "Oh god we gotta get you in dry clothes and bandaged up. He picked me up bridal style and started walking. I got butterflies when I relized how he was carring me. "Henry I-Im tired" "I wouldn't recommend closing your eyes princess. Your bleeding god knows what will happen. Just stay awake" 20 mins later we arrived at Henrys house. Henry carried me all the way home and kept me awake the whole time. He put me down and opened the door quietly and helped me in. He took me to the bathroom and sat me on the counter. He took my top off. Normally I would not be ok with this but I was so tired from running,cold from the water, and weak from the blood loss. Not that I was bleeding a lot its just there was about 40 mins of free bleeding (😉😉😉 im terrible. Also we gonna ignore the bra situation here so don't question). He took a towel and started wiping of the blood and the water. "This is gonna sting but I gotta do it ok" I nodded my head as he put something on a cotton swab. I hissed as in came in contact with my skin. He finished cleaning the cut and then he bandaged the cut up. He picked me up and brought me to his room. "Can you take off your pants" I nodded and did so. He tossed me one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxers. I pulled them on and layed on his bed. "Can I close my eyes now Henry" "ya go ahead princess" I closed my eyes and felt the bed sink next to me. He threw the covers over us. Two arms wrapped around me and pulled me close to a warm body. I fell asleep in his warm embrace.

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