Chapter Fourteen

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Rage wasn't happy about being stuck under a pine tree, the only cover he could find in the middle of the forest, during the vicious storm

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Rage wasn't happy about being stuck under a pine tree, the only cover he could find in the middle of the forest, during the vicious storm.

Four hours he had been under the damn tree, waiting for the storm to let up. At first, he had tried to continue through it, but as the storm worsened and he could no longer see past his own nose, he knew it was pointless to continue blindly.

He was wet and cold, and really wished he had stopped somewhere to eat miles back when it first started to drizzle. Maybe then he would be somewhere warm, maybe a dinner or motel, waiting out this nasty storm.

Raising his lip in a snarl, he tried to push his thoughts away. Despite the storm, he decided he should sleep, since he was stopped, and clearly wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

His thoughts drifted to Willow, wondering if she was alright. He knew she would be safe with his family, but would they be kind to her? He had no doubts that his mother would, and he was sure Fang would, he did, after all, get their mother's heart. It was Wrath and Hunter that Rage worried about.

The sound of growling drew his attention, indicating he was no longer alone.

His eyes snapped open to find himself still under the tree where he had taken shelter. The night was still dark, dark clouds obscuring nature's light. The rain had let up enough for him to see the dark world around him.

Standing on the wet ground heads lowered to the ground, three wolves snarled at him. Their bodies covered in mud, coating their legs and underbellies with a heavy coating.

Raising his nose, he lifted his snout in answer, defiant despite the chance he was completely surrounded by these wolves, unseen friends. His fang bared, he crawled out from under the tree, his belly collecting mud as it caressed the wet ground and his fur being pulled by the needled branches as he kept his head high, refusing to lower it to them.

All three raised their heads and watched as he pulled himself out from under the tree and up into a stance, raising his beastly body to its full height, refusing to lower his head.

They each took a step back in surprise, they had not expected such a large wolf to be under the tree.

After a moment to compose himself, one of the wolves stepped forward, his brown fur matted with mud and his gray eyes narrowed in on Rage. He shook his body, mud, and water flying around him hitting everything and everyone around him.

His body began to contort, bones breaking and refusing with large, echoing snaps and pops. His tail began to retreat back into his spine as his snout and ears shortened, jaw snapping, hanging lowly for a moment before the joints met and it returned to its human form.

His legs and chest shifted as he tried to stand, each bone popping and shifting nearly brought the male to his knees, but somehow he managed to remain standing. He rolled his shoulders as he finally returned to his human skin. His almond-shaped eyes narrowed on Rage as he stood before him, naked to the world, his front half covered in the mud that had covered his fur.

Lone Wolf ☆a Wulf Pack Novel Book 1☆✔Where stories live. Discover now