Chapter Sixteen

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"Welcome to Wolf Valley," Joy presented the town before them

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"Welcome to Wolf Valley," Joy presented the town before them.

The town was only an twenty minute walk from the pack and Willow had been informed that it was still pack, the town was heavily populated by wolves, with some humans mixed in, most unsuspecting of the pack around them.

According to Joy, the town was old, one of the first werewolf settlements in Oregon, and had always been a town of wolves, until about the last fifty years when humans started moving in. The wolves didn't mind though, because the humans brought them "out of the stone-age", as Joy had put it, and more interactive with society.

  It was a small town, but very modern, surrounded by both forest and mountains. The town didn't have anything close to what a city would, but it had a rage of shops and a few cafe's and dinners. The center of town, that contained more of the places, was twice as large as the human town Willow had worked in. 

Joy lead her over to a small boutique that held nothing but clothes inside. Willow had never seen so much clothes before, and Joy frowned when she told her so.

Uncomfortably, she tried on everything that Joy handed her, without complaint. She lost count of how many times she had changed, how many pairs of pants and tops she had tried on. She had even tried on a few dresses, and thankfully Joy had noticed how uncomfortable she felt in them, dismissing them as an option.

"I'm sorry," Joy smiled, "I have have only boy's, and none of them are mated or have children, I don't really get to go shopping with or for other's,"

"It's alright," Willow said, looking down at the pile of clothes Joy had managed to make while she was stuck in the fitting room, "I this is too much, a few things will be fine,"Joy only shook her head, handing the woman at the register a card, she accepted it with a kind smile.

"Nonsense, for one, you are new to the pack and do not have anything, and two," she took the card from the woman and began to grab the many bags full of clothes, Willow scurrying to help her, "I see you as a daughter,"

"You don't..." Willow began as Joy lead them out of the shop and back into the busteling village.

"No I don't have to," she stopped and turned to look at Willow, the older woman's brown eyes showed kindness and worry, "My son sent you here for a reason, I am not sure what that is, but I will take care of you as if you are family, as if you were my own daughter, because something tells me you haven't had that kind of care in a long time,"

Willow was stunned at her words, wondering if it was that obvious that she lost her mother, that she never had a father. She had to rush to catch up with Joy as she continued down the sidewalk, passing a small hardware store and a coffee shop before stopping at another store. Without a word, she opened the door and stepped in.

Willows face heated as she realized what the place was: An undergarment store. Her eyes widened as she stood in her place, looking around her. The shinny black manquenes were scantily dressed in lace garments that barely covered their plastic bodies.

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