Chapter 1-The Voice of an Angel

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Narrators POV

The boy clutched his red spiral notebook, with most of the pages falling out, close to his chest. He could never live with himself if someone even glanced at one of the lyrics he was secretly writing.

He tried not to look over at the adult walking by his desk, as he quickly shut the notebook and slipped it in between his school books, going went back to pretending that he was writing his essay paper, in which that was due today. So Far he only had gotten 2 paragraphs out of 10.

Unable to say anything the teacher just sighed watching him in disappointment and walked back to the front of the classroom. Jimin looked sad as he normally would for he knew that he would have to wait until lunchtime to continue writing lyrics.


Jimin's face lit up hearing the most beautiful sound: the bell that echoed through every hallway and classroom signaling that school was over.

Rushing to go to the studio Jimin ran faster than he ever could with his black backpack flying over his shoulders. Skipping up the steps he immediately stood frozen still at the doorway of the dance room.

He inhaled the beautiful old smell of wood and dust painted with a golden glow of sunlight shining through the glass Paine windows.

Setting his backpack down on one of the seats in the hallways, he pulled out his dance clothes and went into the bathroom across the hall to change into them.

Walking back into the room he was now appearing in a white T-shirt, grey sweatpants, and bare feet. Running his fingers through his dusty blonde colored hair, Jimin immediately pulled out his phone and played some lyrical music while he stretched.

15 minutes later he lost his patience and bursted out dancing to his hearts content. This was his favorite part of the day, getting to practice what he loved most.

But what he didn't notice, was that peeking through the door was someone watching him.

Yoongi's POV

-back to before school was over for the day and stuff-

(Below: In Yoongi's head)

"C, C, A... No... C, C, .... ah shit I forgot..."

I look back in my music folder but instantly put it away so I don't get caught by the teacher passing by that I'm not doing I my homework, but really am practicing piano by tapping the edges of the wooden desk.

I hardly have the homework done.

I look back behind me for a split second glancing over at then smile a little at the boy in the back row. Neither does Jimin have it done.

I...may or may not have a huge crush on him.

I've always wanted to know what he's writing, but he seems to cover it up all the time.

I don't know why I've never said Hi to him before, after all he doesn't even know that I exist due to hardly ever talking.

I guess I never found the time to introduce myself. For now I just space off in his direction looking like a creepy stalker.

It occurred to me that I didn't have anything going on after school, so maybe I could try to talk to him then.

The school bell finally rang and I managed to follow him/try to catch up to him without getting noticed (It's not like I could actually talk to him, right? I mean, I'm too nervous for that yet). I happen to be strangely good at that sort of thing.

However I was not so good at running. I was amazed at the sight of seeing him run. It was like a bird being freed from its cage after being locked up for so long.

I smiled at the thought.

As he got further and further into town I realized that he was not going home, wherever his was.

He raced into an abandoned dance studio and I got even more intrigued.

No longer needing to run I slowly observed the place until I heard music coming from upstairs.

Trying not to make any sound I crept up the stairs to the studio Jimin was in and peeked through the door crack.

More amazed than I thought, I recognized the song that was being played.

It was "Pin-Up Girl", a song that I myself could easily play on the piano. If only there was a piano around here...then I remembered that I had a foldable keyboard in my backpack.

But I didn't grab it out.

I was too distracted by the way Jimin danced. It was the most aesthetic and beautiful thing I had ever seen.

The way his body moved to the rhythm, it looked almost as if he were lighter than air.

It didn't take him long before he realized that I was watching him. 

Hurriedly I ran to leave when a small hand grabbed hold of my wrist.

Luckily, I was wearing a black beanie so that he wouldn't recognize my mint green hair that I was known to stand out for.

"Who are you?" He asked, voice showing hints of exhaustion from dancing, as I immediately turned my face away from him.

"No one that special or important. I-I was just..." unable to come up with an excuse he interrupted me before I could say anything.

"You're the one who was following me, aren't you?" He said with an innocent smile.

I immediately glance away, I almost looked at him.

How did he sense my presence that I was following him?

"No... you've got it all wrong I... I..." I stuttered. the situation was if anything, awkward.

I've never lost my cool this much before.


I can see that from the corner of my eye that he keeps smiling at me as if this was normal. Then his expression changed to curiosity.

"Aren't you at least going to show me your face?"

There was no stopping him.

I was already hypnotized by his voice, let alone his personality was attractive.

But I couldn't allow him to see my face. I just couldn't.

I was embarrassed enough as it is that my face was slightly blushing pink with anxiety and embarrassment.

What made it even worse, he reached out his hand and gently rotated my chin so I could gaze at his innocent wide eyes.

I couldn't take it anymore, I never should have come here. I was too sensitive to even be this close to someone I could only be able to see from afar on most days, whilst roaming the hallways.

Forgetting my bag I made a run for it before he could stop me or say or do anything else.

It was only for a second that I had looked far too deep into his eyes, and heard the voice of an angel.

Cheesy or fluffy? Idk I'm not good at writing these kinds of things lol.

The Red Spiral Notebook ||Yoonmin||Where stories live. Discover now