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as she watched the plane explode into a blast of light,

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as she watched the plane explode into a blast of light,

she knew.


then she remembered what he had said just moments before.

"i wish we had more time. i love you."

her tears welled up at the thought of him, not alive, not here with her. she had only known him for a couple of days but it felt like they knew each other forever. she cried out in pain as she felt her heart beating so fast. how could she get over this? she loved him, but didn't even get the chance to say it back. she held his watch tightly in her hand and blinked, causing more tears to spill out.

but she still had to fight. how could she fight in a time like this? she had just lost the only man she had ever loved.

do it for steve, a voice in her head said.

her love was strong enough to kill a god.


back at london, everyone celebrated the end of the war. thanks to diana, but of course nobody knew who she was. what she was capable of. to them, she was just like everyone else, just way over average on the beauty scale. she was certainly beautiful, but not ordinary.

she caught sight of charlie, sameer, etta and chief. they all smiled, their hearts happy knowing they played a role in ending the war. but inside, she knew they were also hurting, too.

diana walked over to the wall where soldiers who died during the war were posted. she immediately recognized her beloved steve. her steve.

"he is such a great man." she thought. for a second she almost forgot he had died. that now he is past tense. he is was. the thought of her never seeing him again made her heart heavy. she reached out her hand and touched his photo with her fingertips; almost afraid.

after that day, she couldn't get out of bed for days. her heart hurt like hell. steve trevor died. she hadn't even processed it yet. the love of her life, the man she had grown to love so much in the span of only a couple days, had freaking died.

he was her first everything.

first kiss. first love. first man she had ever laid eyes on.

boy, was she lucky.

as she sat in bed, she wondered if she would ever get over his death.

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