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present time

diana woke up to the violent noise of quacking ducks coming from her phone, which woke up her annoyed.

"i've gotta change my alarm noise." she groaned as she got out of bed and into her bunny slippers.

diana now lived in france, and had a great job as a museum curator at the louvre. she loved it. but even if her life was great, there wasn't a day that went by without thinking of steve, and what could've been.

every single moment she had just sitting was immediately occupied by the thought of steve trevor. she could still hear his voice as clear as day.

diana hummed the tune of her favourite song as she fixed herself some french toast. she decided if she lived in france, her meals had to be classier. she was fluent in the language even before arriving, as well as many other languages too.

when the french toast was done, she sprayed some whipped cream, put a strawberry on top and dug in. the warm sensation that filled her heart instantly reminded her of the first time she tried ice cream. her mind was about to flash back but she prevented it from happening.

"no. i have to move on." she sighed.

she finished the toast and put the dish in the sink, self-noting she had to wash them after she got home.

she quickly got dressed into her usual work wear. what she wore now was extremely different to what she wore when she was an Amazon. but she was so young then. so innocent. that diana had never seen or experienced the things the present day diana had seen.

she lived in a quaint little apartment right across from the louvre. rent was pretty expensive but the job payed well. she grabbed her keys and headed down the stairs.

she loved the french lifestyle. she loved everything about it. the food, music, lights, class. everything.

as she walked in, her boss was pacing.

"ah! diana!" he greeted with a french accent. "i was looking for you! we need you to go down to london to get a new piece for our new exhibit. we already booked your hotel. your flight is tomorrow at 10am, you must go to their museum at 3pm, check in is at 4. the next day is for sightseeing. i sent you an email with all this information enclosed. here's a brochure for tourists." he smiled.

diana smiled back with those pearly whites that could melt anyone's heart. "of course monsieur. i won't let you down."

"i know you won't." he grinned.

mr. leblanc, her boss was not supposed to give diana, a museum curator, this much responsibility, but he always liked her; there was just something about her. could you blame him?

diana checked the email and wrote everything down. she loved travelling. even if it was to london, where her soulmate had once lived. she wasn't about to let that ruin this trip for her. it had been too long.

the next day

diana woke up to a much more peaceful noise. she yawned and almost pressed snooze when she saw the time, but decided to get up. it was 8:00am.

she had already packed the night before. she was a pretty light packer, just the essentials and a little extra.

she made herself some cereal since she didn't have much time. the airport wasn't very close and she still had some work to do. she quickly gulped down her cereal and got dressed for the airport. she wore a more casual outfit, sweatpants and a t-shirt, but on diana everything seemed to look amazing.

diana hailed a taxi and thanked the driver. her apartment wasn't too far from the airport; she had money ready, of course, from her boss.

when they arrived, she paid the taxi driver and thanked him. she got out of the taxi, got her suitcase, and headed to her terminal. by that time, it was around 9am. she decided to kill time by getting out a book she hadn't finished. in no time, the first boarding call was announced.

"all passengers boarding flight 107, please make your way to gate 5..."

of course, it was in french, but you get the idea.

she got up and was easily the first person on the plane. she sat down in her spot, which, lucklily had nobody is the seat beside her.

the plane flight wasn't long. probably around an hour, if not less. she got up and thanked the flight attendants, as well as the pilot, for the safe flight.

diana still had around 4 hours to spare before she had to go to the museum, so she decided to check out some stores in the area. the first store she headed in was a pawn shop. it was called trevor's treasures. diana decided to pay no attention to the name.

diana was thinking of selling her watch. or at least getting rid of it. she held it tight in her hand as she entered to what might be the last time she saw the only thing that she had left of captain steve trevor.

she stepped in the shop, and the bell rang. she looked around the shop. it was filled with beautiful jewelry. her eyes drifted all over the store, then finally to the cashier. there was nobody there, even if the store sign was open. she rung the bell in the countertop and a voice was heard at the back.

"just a second!"

diana continued to look around. her fingertips brushed alongside the gold.

she heard footsteps and then a male voice.

"hey, um sorry about the wait, um..."

diana turned around, and almost dropped the watch in shock.

she was completely speechless. she felt like she was going to cry.

"i was just... never mind. it's not important." he smiled. "i'm steve. steve trevor. this shop isn't really mine, well it is, but it was my old man's. when he died, well i just felt like i had to continue his legacy."

diana didn't say anything. her mouth was hanging open. i mean, what could you say when your deceased soulmate is standing right in front of you, in the flesh?

"sorry, that was quite an overshare. what's your name?" he extended his hand.

diana's heart sank. steve didn't remember her? it was just all too complicated.

she quietly whispered, "diana."

"well diana, it's very nice to meet you-"

diana bolted. this wasn't their first time meeting. she dropped the watch and ran out of the store, almost in tears. she didn't know what to say or do, but running away seemed like a good solution.

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