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running out of the shop, she stopped at the nearest convenience store

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running out of the shop, she stopped at the nearest convenience store.

"a water, please." she slammed her bill on the counter.

"okay, madam, here you go." the cashier said, handing her a bottle of water and her change.

she didn't even bother to say thank you, she just walked out of the store and drank her water. by then she couldn't even think, she sat down on the nearest bench, and tried to make sense of all this.

later on, she looked at her phone, which had already adapted to the time zone. it was almost 3pm. she ditched her already empty water bottle and straightened herself out. diana still needed to pick up the painting. she walked the distance to the museum, and she made sure she had her ID ready.

"bonjour, i'm diana prince, did mr. leblanc tell you that his museum curator is picking up the paint-" diana stopped mid-sentence, being most certainly rudely interrupted.

"ooh! oui, oui! ze beloved mr. leblanc! i love zat man! i am george. nice to meet you, diana." he held out his hand, and diana firmly shook it.

even though they were in london, george spoke with a french accent, no doubt.

"nice to meet you too, george," she fake smiled. "now... where's my painting?"

"darling...? vat's wrong?"

"what?" diana laughed shakily. "nothing is wrong." she couldn't stop the tears from running down her face. she quickly wiped them away, still shakily laughing.


"nothing is wrong, okay well something is wrong, but i'd prefer not to tell you, if that's okay." diana smiled.

"of course iz okay! just let me know if you need anything, okay? now, follow me to the storage room."

he led her to a heavily guarded door. the guarded nodded ever so slightly and leaned over to open the door. there, in the room was a gigantic, clean space that looked like a department store.

"come on, darling." he walked with confidence and over to a corner and picked a painting up. "ah! zhere it iz!"

he handed it to diana and she stared at it in awe.

"wow... that's beautiful!" she smiled, glowing.

"yes it iz! and it's yours to take back to paris. we trust you will keep it safe, of course?" he questioned.

"yes! mr. leblanc trusts me for a reason. can i have a bag?" she asked.

he handed her a big paper bag that was just the right size for the painting.

she politely thanked him and walked out carrying the bag. she was not looking forward to walking past trevor's treasures. when she neared the shop, she walked past, trying her best not to peer in and see what had been the love of her life.

she walked quickly and confidently, but steve still managed to spot her.

diana heard footsteps from inside the shop, and then the bell.

"hey! hey! diana, is it?" he yelled.

diana tried with, all her might, to keep walking, because this couldn't be real, could it? but her attempt failed. she turned around and walked towards him.

"can you close up for a bit? get a cup of coffee?" she asked.

"uhhhh... yeah, i g- sure." he flipped the "open" sign to "closed".

"i'm all yours." he smiled that big goofy grin diana remembered as clear as day.

diana felt dizzy. this was all too much to process, but she tried her best to.

they walked out of the store and to the nearest coffee shop. he sighed.

"oh my god, i'm sorry. whenever i'm in my store i always put on this fake perky and charming persona. trust me, i'm not like that, i'm a lot more sarcastic."

"haha, it's fine." diana laughed, steve's humour always made her laugh.

"so anyways, i feel like i know you, but i can't put my finger on it. have we met?" he asked thoughtfully.

diana said nothing. instead she looked away and bit her lip.

"oh. so this is where i went wrong. i'm sorry, did i not call you back or something? although, that doesn't seem like something i'd do. usually it's the other way around." he laughed.

diana couldn't hear. all she could see was steve's piercing blue eyes. it was like she was living in slow motion.

"well, i'm trying to make conversation here." steve laughed awkwardly.

diana was spaced out.


"earth to diana!"

that seemed to knock her out of her head. the way he said her name, the way it all started coming back.

"steve... what if we don't make it back?"diana seemed scared.

"i'm sure we will. now, get some sleep. we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

that was the night before steve sacrificed his life; when they had saved that small town and thought everything was perfect.

she smiled. "yeah, this was nice. i'm not ready for this yet. here's my number, text me."

diana prince sighed as she left a very confused steve trevor with her business card.


lmao hi! i haven't felt much inspo for writing and i'm not even good lol. i think it's bc my parents tell me to write so much that i don't want to, but there's a lot of potential for this fanfic so i'm continuing it! i can't promise frequent updates but i'm thinking of making a status/rant book and also a cover/dp shop. i made one b4 but it was super cringey. love you guys!!

who am i?
that's one secret i'll never tell.
you know you love me.

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