Chapter 1: Introduction

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I was sitting on my chair in front of my desk reading a crap tone of books, to get ready for the U.A entrance exam. It wasn't going to be easy that's for sure, I've divided my time studying, training, and chores, I would get 8 hours of sleep each night, eat a lot of protein and healthy food, 3 hours of studying, 1 hour of break, 2 hours of chores, and finally training for the rest of the time I have left. Anyway setting the schedules aside, my former coach is Kioshi Kaede but since some stuff happened that kinda made him pissed off to the point on rejoining the league of villains.... yeah so his twin brother Kioshi Aoi had to take me under his wings after that stupid Kaede betrayed the hero's again, and being completely honest I'm surprised Aoi sensei didn't follow Kaede, since they're a team after all... I suppose Aoi sensei was tired of that life. I just sighed brushing that thought aside, as I felt a hand on my shoulder, as I literally jumped and punched the person that touched me, my hand just stopped in mid air like something was holding it in place, but nothing was only a hand a few inches away from my fist, with a glowing red Viking symbol and knew who it was "Sensei you baka, you could've knocked on the door" I puffed my cheeks at the older male, with blue hair with white tips "heh sorry kiddo, I'm not used to being a teacher alright... I know it's weird cuz I'm a teacher but..." He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, before his expression turned dead serious "I managed to get some info about the entrance exam, and I'm pretty sure your going to pass easy" he said his hands ripping open a hole before grabbing a script and pulling it out before closing the holes "There we go, and don't ask we're I got it" he said opening the folder before reading threw it (basically the script for the entrance exam episode) it was weird how he manage to do that, before passing out with a bloody nose... As powerful my coaches QuirK is... it takes a crap tone of his energy I almost feel bad for him... when Kaede was around he would tuck him in bed all the time whenever I was over at their place... Anyway back to reality, Aoi sensei was passed out again on the chair, I just sighed grabbing a blanket and covered him in it, I could've sworn I saw a tear drop in his eye... I just shrugged it off and went back to studying.

The next morning I got up super early, making breakfast, basically getting ready for the entrance exam for U.A. my heart was pounding as sweat rolled down my face, I felt the anxiety rising with each step I took, I was having a war with myself. Forcing myself to walk inside the schools grounds, as soon as I step foot into the school I instantly fell over hitting a short boy around my height with wiles green hair and freckles in his cheeks. As we were falling, the both of us was caught by a girl, the both of us squealed inside. I looked back seeing Aoi sensei holding a cup of coffee, with an eyebrow raised clearly unimpressed, he just sighed grabbing me and dragged me to my destination.
When we arrived he literally threw me in, before walking away.
I just rubbed my head, since I landed on my head. "Need some help there buddy?" I looked up to see a boy with spiky red hair, looking down at me with his arms reaching out for me to grab "oh... uh... yeah!" I excepted as he helped me up "was that pro hero Keality that threw u in!!?!" The same green haired boy ran to me holding a note book, asking me frantic questions "oh yeah that was him..." I answered rubbing the back of my head slightly "he was abit annoyed about me..." I smiled "he's not that famous but he's still awesome, he's able to rip a hole and he's always talking to himself and looking at the sky! He's known as the weird pro hero. This one time he ripped open a hole right under a villain and the villain just fell threw it and appeared in the police station passed out! Some say his quirk is a portal quirk! But it's weird cuz when ever he rips open a hole inside looks like... like... everything in there just looked weird and distorted! And this one time he's even seen going threw a portal into a weird place!" The green haired boy started mumbling nonsense about the neutral hero "according to my research he used to be a villain!" And that's when I cut him off "anyway it's time to take our seats!" I said walking to my seat sitting down next to a boy with blond spiky hair and red eyes, I was a bit scared since he looked like he was going to punch a random guy in the face, in just gulped and look at what was in front of me.

"HELLOOOOOO STUD-" Present Mic was cut off as the screen behind him blinked red as two blue eyes appeared, the eyes seem to be spinning illusions around in them, with a large grin "hello students, welcome to your last day in U.A, your probably know who I am already" I shivered slightly looking down at the table I knew what would happen if I look into his eyes, "Master Illusion.... we love u..." everyone said on unison as if in a trans, I looked around avoiding the ex hero's gaze. Everyone was hypnotized even the spiky haired boy, I looked around and saw the green haired boy looking away from the screen and knew what he was doing "oh... it seems two of the students wasn't hypnotized.." the smile turned into a frown, as everything went black. The spot light was shown on top of a man the same age as Aoi sensei, fiery red hair with white tips, and blue hypnotic eyes, and a black and white cloak with a hypnotic symbol, under is a pair of black boots, and black jeans, so the hypnotic symbol can stand out more "hello remaining students.." the man grinned I just shut my eyes growling at the man... I knew who it was exactly... "why... WHY?!" I screamed standing from my seats grabbing a pair of glasses putting them on, as I opened my eyes to see the illusionist stomping towards him "ah F/N Y/N, how nice seeing you again!" His face fell instantly as he said my name "There are things you don't understand my reasons..." I just growled lunging at the taller man, I knew he was psychologically weak and fragile build, I pinned him to the ground throwing punches in which the man man blocked with his cloak "KAEDE! This attitude is unacceptable!" Aoi sensei yelled grabbing Kaede's hair curl pulling him up "AHH YOU FUCKING BASTARD! I FUCKING KILL YOU!" Kaede my former sensei screamed in pain as his sensitive strand of hair was being pulled on, he tried to hypnotize Aoi but failed since the pro hero wasn't looking, Kaede just growled pinning Aoi as he started throwing punches, Aoi just blocked it kicking Kaede off, "I hate doing this to you brother" Aoi ripped open a hole open grabbing Kaede, throwing him in the hole but failed since the villain escaped the hero's grasp, Aoi just growled opening multiple holes trying to get the villain in one of them, and during the process he accidentally looked his brother in the eyes, Kaede took the chance as he hypnotized Aoi making him let go of the fragile male, as he just disappeared into dust implying that the version of Kaede was just another illusion.

Third person P.O.V

Midoriya just stared dumbfounded, did he just saw a fight between a villain and a pro hero?.. He sure did and inside he was screaming "A-alittle help?" Midoriya was snapped out of his trans as the voice of the pro hero Keality that sounded like he was struggling, he looked at the hero that had a bloody nose "omg!" Midoriya was shocked "he managed to lay a hit on me, Kaede that cufoof, rejoined the league of villains again.... we made a promise" Keality
Growled clearly mad, Midoriya ran to the hero helping Y/n and Keality out to the infirmary.
"It seems, he opened to many holes in reality... it really has it's told on him... Y/n please do take care of him" Recovery Girl said holding Aoi's cold hands "opening too much holes in reality it self is very risky and it can effect his health a lot.... and getting a tumour in his head isn't even the worst that could happen.." recovery girl said, looking at a Aoi with bandages around his head "wait... He can rip open holes in reality?" Midoriya said shocked "I'm only telling you this... And please young Midoriya don't tell anyone, for Aoi's sake" Midoriya looked at Aoi before nodding a determine look on his face, Y/n Just sat by Aoi's side worried plastered all over his face "Its ok Y/N he'll be find just as long as he don't rip open too much holes in reality..." Recovery Girl said before walking away "I will...." Y/N said looking down "grr..." Aoi groaned finally walking up from his deep slumber "KAEDE!" Aoi sat up instantly grabbing his head in the process as he groaned in pain... "Sensei don't!" Y/N wanted to slap himself because of the slip up "wait... WHAT?!?!" Midoriya was shocked pointing at Aoi and Y/N with his eyes and mouth wide open, "Sensei?!?! You? And Keality?!" Midoriya gasped "Your mentoring him?!" Midoriya gasped "Shhhhhhh" Aoi put a finger on his lips frantically "be quiet! No one can know about this!, now run along you two I'll be fine!" Aoi said opening a hole throwing the two students in.

Next chapter coming soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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