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Recently as it would seem remembering that which i had
was everything
The plan i planned was not soo bland the world i grasped in my hand,
its broken,
and now I have awoken
So much from life I could have stolen
It doesn't feel as bright as it once did and in the end thats just how it is to live with this, the fear of holding on.
What's done is done and set in stone.
Should I sit and mourn here,
tear flesh from bone,
Destroy myself, or let it go

That which once was clear to me
slipped from thought so long ago.

indefinitly pondering thoughts of times I wasnt so lost.
At the time I saw a life I need and would have whatever the cost
A priceless thing that can't be bought synonymous to dream or so I thought
Now I'm stuck in my head confused and cant understand why I wonder treading circles in sand.
What means to me most of all, to gain from what I lack
Ill Dedicate that which i have in the palm of my hand ill stand again as tall as i did once before I was lost in thought remembering the things I'd lost.

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