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Audrey's POV:

"You will never be my mate" I say angry. "Your a murderer". I say back at the man.

"I wouldn't talk to an Alpha like that dear." He says back now fustrated. Now he expects me to treat him with respect? Fuck that.

"You no fit for an Alpha" I say back furious. He wasn't. Alpha's don't lead there packs to kill. It wasn't right. Why did this man need to kill? Was it to get to me? It made no understanding.

"I want you to come with me and be my Luna for my pack" he says. Luna? I was not ready to be a Luna.

"No. I'm not going to be a Luna for your pack and I'm sure as hell not coming with you." I say. Even though my wolf was already thinking of things she wanted to do with him. It was so wrong.

"Yes you will" he says in his Alpha tone. I did not like being bossed around. And I wasn't going to be.

"No I won't." I says almost shouting. Suddenly he calls a man. The man walks toward my dad with a knife at his head ready to kill him.

"Noo! Please stop!" I say at tears streaming down my face. This man had no heart.

"I want you to come with me and my pack and become our Luna or else your father will be killed." He says smirking.

"You wouldn't dare!" I say yelling.

"It's yur choice my love" he says. I had to go. I had no choice. My father would be killed. And we wouldn't be able to defeat him and his pack. My father would already be slaughtered.

"I will go just please don't hurt them" I say choking on tears. He smiles. Ordering the man to untie my father and let him be. He grabs my hand. And leads me toward the van. I cry in tears not wanting to leave my loved ones. Not knowing of this was the last time I'd see my pack. Vicky screams crying in tears being held back. I take on last glance at my family and Vicky before being seated into the van..


Through the car ride I cried the whole time. I hated this man. I took a quick glance at him in the front driver seat. Why did he have to be good looking? He catches me staring and I look away. I hated every second being in this car. It was just me him and his beta.

Suddenly the car stopped by a gas station. The beta got out of the car to get gas. Leaving just me and the Alpha. I had a plan to run and get away.

"I need to use the ladies restroom" I say fustrated. He sighs. And ignores me.

"Did you not hear me?" I say annoyed wanting to scream in his face for him to hear clearly.

"I don't want you escaping, you can hold it." He says annoyed. No I was getting to the bathroom anyway.

My hands might have been tied up but I easily opened the door beside me. I'll take myself.

"What are you doing" he asked looking angry.

"I have to use the restroom, if you won't take me I'll take myself". He looks at me annoyed as if I was a a little kid being told no over and over again. He gets out of the car with me. He walks me to the outside restroom by the road.

"You don't need to walk me, I know how to take care of myself." I say.

"I know what your trying to do, so I'll stay outside of the restroom waiting for you" he says. I look at him with hatred and walk into the bathroom slamming the door.

I needed to find a window. Luckily there was one right beside the sink. Since he untied my hands I could get out easily. I try opening the window but it wouldn't budge. I had to bust it and run out as fast as I could.

I count to myself. "1..2..3" I whisper. I bust the window open fast. I hop out and start running. But before I could even run the beta had caught my arm and dragged me back to the car roughly. Well that didn't go as planned...

I was tied more securely. By my legs and hands. They couldn't risk me escaping. But I still insisted to find a plan to escape these people.

~ Hey guys hope you enjoyed chapter 2. I'm still new at this whole thing. But the story will get better. Just stick with it. Chapter 3 will be uploaded soon.
(Sorry about some grammar mistakes)

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