The Pack Dinner

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Audrey's POV:

I get in the shower and wash up. After that I put on the red dress I was given to change into for the pack dinner tonight. I brush I my rough hair. I put on the heels i was given. I hated how I looked. This dress was to fancy and tight. And I looked like shit. My eyes were so swollen from all the crying.

I head downstairs to find the asshole "Alpha". This place was so huge I didn't even know where I was. I kept looking around. I turn only to see a hallway leading to his office. I walk up to it about to open the door. But a voice interrupts me. I turn towards the voice and see a gorgeous girl. All dressed up. She was probably dressed for the pack dinner.

"You shouldn't interrupt the Alpha he" the girl says. Looking serious.

"Why not? I'm the Luna after all". I look at her back with annoyance. Now these people wanted to tell me what to do.

"You are not our Luna yet." So don't interrupt the Alpha." She looks at me rolling her eyes. This bitch had the nerve to talk and look at me like that. The Alpha and now this blonde bitch.

I move closer towards her feeling angered. She looks at me crossing her arms as if I was boring her.

"Listen I haven't been having the best day. I was taken from my own damn pack to be here. To be your fucking Luna. So I'd watch the way you treat me. I might not be the Luna yet but when I do I'll make your life a living hell."

I felt so angry. But proud of myself for speaking for myself. I wasn't going to give any respect to the murderous pack who tried killing my pack and taking me away. I don't know if I can try playing nice to these people to get out of here. They angered me.

After what I had said she seems suprised. But she smirks. I look at her confused.

"You don't scare me" she says walking away. I wanted to tear her head off. Every single one of them.

Suddenly the door opens. And he stood there looking angry at me. He grabs me inside his office harshly. I yank away but to weak and end up in his office. He slams the door. He looked even hotter then before. His hair was out and wet. His shirt was also open showing his sharp v-line and eight pack.

I try not to pay much attention to him. So he wouldn't notice. My face started feeling hot. Shit was I blushing?

He looks at me still mad and runs his hands through his hair.

"What am I going to do with you?" He asks in a deep voice. Automatically my wolf starts thinking of nasty things about my mate. Uhh this horrible. I hated these thoughts. My wolf was ready to jump him. It was disgusting. I hated it. But why did a part of me like it. Ehhhh.

He looks at as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. He comes closer to me making me blush even more. I hated this.

"Could you at least try to control your thoughts?" He says glancing me up and down giving me shivers. I was so red. This was so wrong. I scolded my wolf for this. He walks past me looking in the mirror fixing his shirt.

"I- uhhh... I-." I couldn't even speak. I was frozen. Just standing there. I wanted to leave.

"Why were you so rude to one of my pack members?" He asks. Finally he said something to change the subject. I wasn't even mad. I was relieved.

"She was disprespting me and I didn't like it at all." I say back truthfully. He looks at me almost smirking.

"You don't have the right to lecture one my pack members" he says looking back at me with his shit tied back up.

I look at him not saying anything. He looks back waiting for an answer.

"Ok" I say annoyed.

"Good, finally you agree" he says back. I look at him annoyed. But I was still flushed about what had just happened 5 mins ago. We both head out of his room. He leads me to a ball room with a dinner tables everywhere and waitresses hustled around. This was way to fancy for just a pack dinner.

"Why all this?" I ask him looking around still amazed. He looks at me.

"It's a tradition" he says. I look at him confused.

"Tradition?" I say back.

"Yes, when an Alpha meets there mate we celebrate and introduce you to the pack." He says annoyed as if I were a dumb little child asking stupid questions.

I laugh. "Celebrate?" I say.
"You took me away from my pack" I say still laughing utterly confused.

"Try to act happy that your here, this is tradition." He replies as he gets more tense.

"Yes! Let's celebrate about me being taken away from my pack. And the only people I've ever loved!" I say sarcastically smiling.

He ignores me and starts pulling me towards people and introducing me. Man was I so glad to be here. Not once did I smile at anyone. Why should I? I hated these people.

"How do you like it here so far?" An old pack member asks. I smile wanting to laugh. Everybody had been asking me the same damn question. And I say the same damn thing. I act I'm just a little bit okay to be here. But really I rather be in a ditch than here.

"You want the truth?" I reply back to the man smiling. The Alpha looks at me as if he was just trying to warn me. Fuck this. I'm done playing nice.

"This place is complete shit" I say smiling happily. The old man looks at me. I want to laugh but I don't.

The Alpha walks me away. He grabs me harshly. I look at him as if nothing happened.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asks almost yelling.

"I'm just celebrating" I say. He looks at me biting his lip.

"You are something else" he says angry. I smile back.

A bell rings and everyone starts gathering around grabbing a seat at a table. He leads me towards the table. Sitting next to me and the Beta. And of course the snobby girl from earlier was sitting across from me. I don't even try looking at her. Or I might regret it.

The Beta makes a toast to me and the Alpha as if we're a happy couple. This pack was fake and just complete shit to me. We all start eating. I was starving and digged right in.

"Could you try to have some table manners?" The snobby girl says. Now she wants to make another comment. I had no patience left. The Alpha looked at me knowing I was angry. He put his hand on my arm. All I felt were sparks. It was weird. I moved my arm away acting like it had no effect on me. But I know he knew it did.

I look at the girl and smile. Trying to keep it in. I was this close to tearing her little head off.

"You wouldn't be fit for a Luna." She laughs. I look at her. That's it I lost it. I was fucking done. I pick up my wine glass and take a sip. I look at her and smile. I splashed the wine all over her face. I laugh in revenge. Everybody gasps. She gets up and comes back at me. She pulls my hair and slams it to the table. My wolf couldn't take it.

But before I could shift to my wolf to tear this little bitches head off. The Alpha picks me up and takes me away quickly. Everybody was still shocked. This pack was not for me.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. School has been busy. I hope you liked this chapter. A lot happened in this. It's quite funny. :) Anyways go check out my new story, "The bad boy" if you'd like. Thx for reading. Bye!

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