Chapter 3: Annoying

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Three months since the chunnin exams a lot of females have been coming to the village. And I've been getting a lot of fan girls. Its so annoying, they want to hear what the Shukaku and I fight so many times. At first I felt pretty cool. But right now, I have a tail of woman behind me, and they have all asked me out. The only normal woman here in the village are, Tsunade, Hinata and Hanako. The rest are behind me asking me out.

"Noooooo! I won't go out with you cause your all Annoying!!! I already like someone else and she's right in there!" I lied as they all started to attack one another.

I quickly ran off and hid before they figured out I was lying. I do like some of the fan girls I have, but all they want to talk about was how I beat Shukaku alone. The fan girls I like are Sakura, Tenten, Ino and Temari. I don't know how, but she got the Hokage to let her stay in the village to live.

Saratobi is still alive but he's a bit sick for all the smoking he's done. But at least he's alive. He retired once again as Hokage and gave the title to Tsunade. She was told what happened in the chunnin exams and told me to meet her today.

Im currently walking towards the Hokage tower and entered the building. I knock on the door and wait for the 'come in'. Once she said that I entered.

"You told me to meet you for something Hokage-sama." I said as she looked up from her paper work.

"Oh, yes. I wanted you to come for many things." She said with a creepy tone. "Im just kidding!" She said while laughing. "I came to ask you questions. As the Hokage of this village, may you tell me your name?" She asked.

"No. You have to earn my trust and then I will tell you my name. Same happened with lord third." I replied as she nodded in understanding. "You can call me "White Wolf" that is how I'm known in this village." I said as she nodded.

"Well, White Wolf. I want you to join the Anbu team. I want you to be the leader of the organization. Danzo is just danger. I don't want him to waste space on earth. Do you know what I'm saying?" She asked as I nodded. "You will put on a genjutsu over your face and show them a fake face. Then kill Danzo, after that I want you to kill his followers and then come back here to get your payment... This is a top secret mission. S+ rank. Do you want to do it?" She asked.

"After what he did to my clan. I'll do everything possible to kill him." I said as she was shocked I knew that information. "Yes, I know all about it."

"Well then, I want him dead today or tomorrow." She said as I nodded.

"I'll finish the job within 2 to 3 hours." I said as she doubted me.

"Do you want proof or will you take my word?" I asked.

"I want proof. I want Danzo's head in a bag. And his followers... I want their heads too." She told me with a serious tone.

"Understood." I replied as i left the office and started my mission.

I killed his followers first and then I went for Danzo. I killed him in minutes. When he showed me his arm full of sharingans, I got so mad. I instantly cut his head off. I collected all the sharingans and the heads of every person I killed that day. I came back in an hour.

"That quick?! Show me!" The Hokage told me as I opened the bags full of heads, with Danzo's in the top. She thought it was genjutsu and tried to escape. "Are you interested in becoming the leader of the Anbu Black Ops organization?" She asked me.

"It would be an honor." I replied.

"Did you burn all the evidence?" She asked.

"Yes, I used Amaterasu on each one of them. That fire doesn't stop burning until every cell of the person or thing its burning, doesn't exist anymore." I explained.

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