Chapter 6: True Peace

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At Yoshiro's village

"Im home!!!" I yelled as all my family came running to me.

"Hi honey." My wife Konan greeted me. What had really happened was the Konan had made a blood clone. She got trapped in the genjutsu and her blood clone didn't, then her blood clone came to me and my father killed the blood clone.

"Hi dad!" My son Ichiro greeted me as he jumped on me and I grabbed him.

"Hi dad!" Yelled my daughter Octavia.

"Hi, honey, son and where's Octavia?" I asked.

"She's eating." Said my wife playfully. I walked over to her and have her a kiss.

"Ewwww!" Yelled my son as he ran to the kitchen so he won't need to see us kiss.

"When he's older, that's probably the thing he's going to do most." I told my wife.

"Don't say that." She said as she hit me on the shoulder.

"Thanks for the food honey!" I said with a smile.

"Your welcome. So how many trains did that little knucklehead broke this time?" She asked.

"One surprisingly. His parents had a fight in front of him because of me. Though Naruto swore he would never act like he was acting." I explained.

"Well, lets see how long you last!" My wife said as she laughed, cause she knew I knew what she was talking about. Her smile was the best, it was so beautiful.

"Hey, Octavia, have you considered doing cool stuff with paper like your mommy?" I asked as she nodded.

"And you. Ichiro, you want to keep on training on those sharingans?" I asked as he nodded.

"How long can we train for?" He asked.

"As long as you want." I replied.

"Ok, until I get tired." Said Ichiro.

"Well, this is going to be a long, long night for you." Said Konan as she chuckled.

"Ichiro, we'll start training in 15 minutes." I told my son as I chased my wife upstairs as she laughed. The kids then heard a door slam and the lock being placed.

Time Skip
Third POV

"Ok Ichiro. Want to train now?" Asked Yoshiro.

"Where's mom?" Asked Ichiro.

"She was really tired from our wrestling matches we do so she went to sleep." Yoshiro told his son hoping he would buy it.

'So that's why there was such loud noises. I wonder what he did to make her scream like that. I wonder if she kicked him in the balls or in the face.' Thought Ichiro.

"Come on, lets go train!" Yoshiro told his son as he nodded.

"Who won?" Asked Ichiro.

"Won what?" Yoshiro asked.

"The wrestling match." Ichiro asked.

"Oh, I did. She was exhausted so she gave up." Yoshiro replied.

"Daddy, can you train me too?" Asked Octavia.

"Of course, you don't have to ask if you can just ask when you want to ok?" Yoshiro told Octavia as she slowly nodded. Yoshiro's daughter was always so shy. She was the exact opposite of Ichiro.

Time Skip

"Ok, I'm too tired to keep on Ichiro, where do you get all this energy from?" Asked Yoshiro.

"I guess it's because I'm hyper." Replied Ichiro.

"At least we achieved true peace." Stated Yoshiro.

And that's how the Uchiha's prodigy saved the world.

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