Chapter 2: Chunnin exams Part 2

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Preparation Of The Third Part Of The Chunnin exams

"Hanako, I want you to pick a summoning animal. I have the Alpha as my animal so I can get any contract. Even a snake if you want." I told Hanako as she thought who would be her summoning animal.

"Ok, I pick the slug. Since she can heal, if we were really injured I could summon a slog to heal us or help me heal you." She told me as I nodded.

I made some hand signs, bit my lip and summoned Okami. He was as big as the nine tails and had white hair with big sharp white claws, teeth and red wolf eyes. He also has 10 long tails. He used to grow one each time he aged. And it stopped when he was 10.

"What do you need? Okami asked me.

"I need you to get me the slug scroll." I responded.

"Your not changing from wolf to slug right?" Okami asked.

"Never in any lifetime. Its for Hanako." I replied as he nodded. He poofed away and came back with the contract.

"You need to sign you name here with your blood and put your hand print also with blood here." Okami explained as Hanako did as told.

Once she was done, she used her summoning jutsu and she summoned a slug a few inches bigger than her.

"So your my new owner. Hi, you can call me baby slug. Im the youngest and everyone calls me that!" The baby slug told Hanako. "Oh wow! Its an honor to meet you Great Okami!" The slug told Okami with shock.

"Nice to meet you too!" Okami said with his happy joy side.

"Ok, im going to go now! Nice to meet you..." The slug waited for Hanako to introduce herself.

"Hanako, Hanako Uzumaki!" Hanako said with a bit of pride and then the slug poofed away.

"Hey Okami, would it be possible to seal you inside me? Like a tailed beast?" I asked Okami as he thought of it.

"Yes, but we would need an expert with seals." He said sadly wanting to seal himself inside me.

"Well I have one. But do you want to? I don't want to obligate you." I told him.

"Of course I want to! Your like a brother to me, and I would love to be by your side at all times to protect you from animal knows what." Okami responded as we placed our heads together.

"Are you up for it Hanako?" I asked as she nodded.

"But I don't have the materials with me." She replied.

"Did you forget I can create anything?" I said with smirk. "Let the last 2 white wolves unite!"

Time skip
Sealing Okami inside Yoshiro
Yoshiro's POV

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" I yelled as they sealed Okami inside me. I felt this burning feeling inside me.

"Its almost done!" Hanako told me.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" I yelled as the pain suddenly stopped. I was breathing heavily and then it all went black. I was in a sewer.

In the mindscape

"Huh, lets keep on walking through the sewers that smells like flowers." I said as it actually smelled like flowers.

I then found Okami trapped in a cage.

"Way to treat your brother." Okami told me as I instantly made the cage disappear when I snapped my fingers. "That's better!" He said as he moved around happy of all the space he had. I then changed the mindscape to a wolf like place. One that both of us would like. "Wow... You have an amazing imagination of a good place!" Okami told me as I chuckled.

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