Chapter 5: The War Has Begun

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Once we finished summoning my father, he had awakened in his old body, but it started aging backwards through out the seconds. He stopped aging when he reached my age, 25.

He saw me and hugged me immediately.

"I missed you." He said with his loving father voice. He was actually a nice person, but when the villagers killed my mother, he turned evil against everyone, except me and the people helping him achieve his goal.

"Have you already declared war?" Father asked.

"The fourth great ninja war has begun... Its us against every ninja of the five great nations." I explained.

"Perfect!" Said my father.

"Here, I use my katana." I told father handing him his gunbai.

"Thanks." He simply replied.

"Ok, I'll see you in the battleground." Said Obito was swirling out of here.

"No! Wait!!!" Father yelled as Obito came back.

"Are you going join us?" Father asked every Akatsuki member as they nodded.

"We leave now." I told them.

"Wow, you even have my voice. Your like my shadow clone. All that's left is for you to unlock your rinnegans. So who is your best friend from here, or was. Who do you still have feelings for, that they don't have for you?" Father asked me as I pointed at Karin.

"I think of her as my best friend." I explained as he walked towards her and snapped her neck in front of me. "Noooooooo!!!" I yelled. "What the hell?!"

"Finally, wow! You have skipped the rinnegan. Instead of having activated your rinnegans, you activated your sharinnegans. That's my boy. You have even surpassed your old man." Said Madara as everyone gasped.

"Even you?" Asked Itachi.

"Yes, even me. You are no longer my equal... You are my better." Father told me.

"But, why are his sharinnegans red instead of purple?" Asked Konan.

"Because his eyes contain two different eyes. He has the sharinnegans and the Eternal Mongekyo Sharingans" father explained

"Wait, what do you mean, Eternal Mongekyo Sharingans" asked Obito.

"I mean, he has his own abilities, your abilities, Itachi's abilities, Shisui's abilities and everyone who has ever unlocked the mongekyo sharingan's ability. Even my brothers abilities. And if someone were to unlock it a week from now, it will be added to his disposal. And that why his sharinnegans are blood red." He explained as I was amazed of what I could do, I didn't even have to practice. I just needed to think of doing something and it happened.

"Father, what were your brothers mongekyo sharingan abilities?" I asked as I now didn't care Karin died, cause sacrifices have to be made.

"He had the ability to create blood red lightning out of thin air without using any chakra. It was like having Zeus as a brother. I was jealous but at the same time I wasn't." He explained.
"So, like this?" I said as I made some blood red lightning come out my hand.

"Yeah, but be careful with that lighting cause it can kill someone it you stab it on someone. You can make shields with it and make barriers or something, you can basically make anything within your imagination with it. That was the reason I was jealous of my brother. The ability to do anything with lightning that can kill someone the instant it enters their blood." Father explained.

"Cool, but can this kill me if they reflect it back with your gunbai? *he shook his head saying no* Even cooler! So I could kill you right now so I could get even with you for killing Karin, right?" I asked father with killing intent coming out.

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