Now, here is the interesting part.
a muslim women usually gets questions and accusations like:
why are you so insecure?
are you trying to hide from somebody?
omg male domination!?!
you cant even enjoy anything.
and people just give confused stares at both muslim man or women.
why do we dress this way?
we don't have any specified dress code but in our religion we are supposed to dress decently and avoid any kind of attention.
both men and women are supposed to dress in a way that does not reveal the bodyshape of the person.
this saves us from being a victim of body shaming.
also you are prevented from being catcalled by people of bad intentions.
therefore when ever leaving the house we put on our robes.
women wear a black coloured robe to cover them selves from head to toe. it is called abaya.
black is not a specified colourbut it is said that whatever one wears it should not attract attention.
wearing a red or a bright colored robe definately would make people look at you.
arab people are very fair and black suits them alot.
black color also helps in hiding the body shape pretty well.
men usually wear a white coloured robe called thobe
all of the above stated rules also apply for men .
they also cover their hair like women but in a different style.
dressing in this way also earns one self respect.
and it is not difficult to dress this way.
no you don't feel hot.
and yes we wear normal clothes inside our robes.and we dont wear this inside our homes.
we veil ourselves to not show our bodies to opposite genders apart from blood relations (brothers, father, uncles, etc)
wearing this also helps in making one comfortable in their own skin. and helps gain confidance, modesty,. things which people are struggling to achieve.
De TodoExactly what the title says I just want people to know what my religion is, facts and point explained to curious souls from my perspective.