Chapter 1

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Lola's POV

I wake up hearing my alarm clock going off pretty loud so I sit up rubbing my eyes trying to rub the sleep out of them I get out of bed walking to my drawers to take our undergarments and some clothes(these are the clothes she's wearing today)

I wake up hearing my alarm clock going off pretty loud so I sit up rubbing my eyes trying to rub the sleep out of them I get out of bed walking to my drawers to take our undergarments and some clothes(these are the clothes she's wearing today)

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So once I'm done and let my hair fall nice against my shoulders I grab my backpack walking downstairs to see my dad drinking and he looks up at me and glares walking to me.

"Where do you think you're going" My Dad said slurring his words and I sigh softly.

"I'm going to school Albert" I said and he grabs my arm before I walk outside.

"You ain't going anywhere Lola" He Slurred and I glare pushing him away and leaving for school.

I walk to school until I'm in front of the derry school I see students everywhere so I walk in the school and everyone stops talking and looks at me either shocked or glaring so I keep walking.

I find my locker and open it but only to have it shut so I turn to see this mullet guy smirking down at me so I sigh but smile anyways being polite.

"Hello I'm lola holland what's your name?" I said with a fake smile and he bites his lip getting closer to me and my back hits the lockers gulping.

"My name is Henry nice to meet you baby wanna go somewhere quiet" Henry said and his friends snickering while I bite my lip and roll my eyes.

"Sorry henry I got a boyfriend already" I said and he frowns and his friends stop laughing.

"Oh yeah? Who?" Henry said and I look around to see everyone looking at us but than I'm met with a pair of blue eyes and I can't help but smile and push henry out of the way and walk up to the blue eyed boy and his friends.

"He's my boyfriend so now you can leave me alone" I said smiling and the boy looked at me shocked and Henry snickers.

"I-I'm your w-w-what?" The boy mumbled scared and his friends look at me shocked.

"Haha that's funny your dating b-b-b-Billy the stuttering boy" Henry mocked and I glare kneeing him where the sun don't shine and he falls to the floor groaning in pain.

"I'm gonna get you BITCH" Henry screamed at me while I grab the boys hand and booking it down the hall to my first class and I let go of the boys hand and his friends soon following.

"Sorry cutie I had to think of something I hope you dont mind" I said smiling softly and he blushes deeply.

"N-no it's o-o-okay my n-name is b-b-bill denbrough" Bill said smiling softly at me and I bite my lip smiling.

"I'm lola nice to meet you bill" I said holding my books close to me.

"HOLY SHIT!!!! You kicked Bowers ass you're a fucking legend" The kid with big glasses said and this small guy with a fanny pack nodded in agreement while this guy with curly hair looked around.

"I guess so but sorry about saying you're my boyfriend you're the first one I saw" I said and Bill blushes more.

"I-it's n-n-no problem" Bill said and he looks at his friend's. "T-this is r-r-Richie" He said pointing at the guy with the black rimmed glasses.

"Hey hot stuff" Richie said winking at me and I giggle softly which makes him smile at me.

"This i-is e-e-ed-Eddie" Bill said pointing to the fanny pack boy who just waves at me with a smile so I wave back smiling.

"A-and this is s-st-Stanley" Bill said pointing at the boy who was looking around scared so I smile softly and wave at him.

"Nice to meet you all I'm lola holland I'm new here I know it's the last day of school but I decided to come here for the last day" I said and they all nod.

"W-what's y-y-your next c-class?" Bill asked and I show him my schedule and him an the boys look at it.

"Ohh you have math,science,history,english and gym with me hot stuff" Richie said and I smile at him.

"You only have math and history and science with me" Stanley said and I nod my head at him.

"Yeah same here we only have those three classes together" Eddie said and I smile at him which he blushes looking down.

"W-we have all c-c-classes t-together" Bill said and I scream in happiness hugging him and pull away to see him blushing and Richie snickers at him.

"I'm glad well let's go than" I said grabbing Bill's hand and Richie's hand and the other two follow behind us so we go to math class together.

I sit in the back with bill on my left and richie on my right than stanley behind me and eddie in front of me.

"So hot stuff how old are you?" Richie said smiling at me and the boys look at me curious.

"I'm 13 years old" I said and they all tell me their are the same age so once the teacher comes in we all stay quiet and Ms. Holts teaches us and that's how it goes for the whole class.

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