Chapter 5

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Lola's POV

I turn to the side seeing bill look at little pictures on the desk lifting them up by the window to see what's on it and he turns facing me so I look away quickly.

"Well this is cool right here wait no it's not cool" Richie said turning towards him making me glare at him and he turns around looking towards the wall again.

"What's that?" Stanley said pointing at a picture making me walk next to him to look at it.

"Oh that? Thats the charter of Derry township" Ben said standing next to richie making us turn left to look at ben.

"Nerd alert" Richie said snickering making me frown.

"Shut up richie" I said groaning in annoyance making him smile innocently.

"No it's really interesting Derry started as a beaver trapping camp," Ben started but richie cut him off.

"Still is am I right boys and girls" Richie said raising his hand up so I grab it pulling it down shaking my head.

"Guys I'm getting the creeps I'm just gonna go home I'll see you guys later" I said pulling my jacket closer to my body.

"I-I'll g-g-go with y-you" Bill said making me shake my head and he frowns.

"No it's okay really you can stay here it seems your occupied anyways" I said looking towards beverly but than looking towards bill who looked at her too and she looks between us confused.

"I'll take her home I left my stuff there anyways" Eddie said making me smile at him which he returns.

"O-o-Oh o-okay" Bill said softly looking away so I sigh waving at the boys goodbye and glaring at beverly on my way out with eddie follwing me so we go outside getting on our bikes riding towards my house.

Bill's POV

I watch as they leave and sigh softly making stan walk towards me looking upset so I look at him confused.

"She likes you bill your just to blind to see it" Stanley whispered to me and richie looks confused so stan whispers to him and most likely telling him and he smirks nodding leaving making me confused more.

"W-where's r-r-richie going?" I said making everyone look at me and stan.

"Just to handle something I gotta get home" Stanley said leaving so me and bev tell ben were leaving and say bye while leaving the house.

Lola's POV

Once we get to my house we both get off our bikes walking inside my house to see my dad there on the couch drunkenly making out with some chick and he stops to glare at me.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOUNG LADY" Dad screamed at me getting up from the couch getting in my face making me stay put.

"I was hanging out with my friends that's what kids do my age you idiot now I suggest you be nice because you are being disrespectful to me infront of my friend here" I said turning towards eddie who's just looking down at the floor.

"I don't care if your friends here get out both of you I don't need you here right now" Dad slurs making me push him and he trips over his feet hitting the floor and his chick runs to help him up which me and eds runs upstairs and I start packing clothes in my backpack while he grabs his.

"Are you ready?" I said quietly putting my backpack on and eddie nods his head so we both run downstairs to see my dad angry by the door.

"Hurry up and leave I don't wanna see your face again" Dad said pushing me and eddie out the door so we run to our bikes riding down the street and tears fall down my cheeks and I see eds looking at me.

"Are you okay lola?" Eddie said softly making me turn towards him quick and turn facing forward again sighing while wiping my eyes.

"I'm alright thanks for asking I'm sorry about my father eds" I said quietly still riding my bike.

"Dont be sorry for anything you got nothing to be sorry about lola we're here for you and were going to richie's so you can stay there for a few days because my mom's a little uh protective" Eddie said riding in front of me towards richie's house.

"Okay I hope he doesn't mind" I said following behind him towards richie's house and eds laughs making me confused as we get to richie's house.

"He won't mind he loves having people over because his family doesn't really give him attention so you'll be staying in his room most likely" Eddie said stopping his bike getting off it.

"Oh okay" I said getting off my bike as well walking with eds to richie's door and he knocks on it so we wait a while and the door opens revealing richie.

Awww that's so sweet that he's there for her because of her alcoholic father is a jerk I hope you guys like it btw it'll continue in the other chapter :)

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