The Opposites

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In a small house in Magnolia, there lived a female teenager. She had blonde hair, chocolate filled eyes and soft peachy skin, she was known as Lucy Heartfilia.
Growing up, Lucy's mother loved music, she played the piano and guitar. Most nights she would sing Lucy to sleep. When her mother passed away, Lucy promised herself to continue to play instruments for her mother. It reminded her of her mom and how she would sing to her while playing soft tunes on the guitar, her mother was what always kept her going.
Lucy reminded herself that her mom would be so happy to hear she's joining a new school so she manages to get the courage to go to her new school, Fairy High.
I stood in front of the entrance, "No no no, why did I even decide to come?" I hesitate. I hold my school bag close to my chest and walk in. I start looking around, seeing if the student that would give me the tour would be near the entrance but instead I get a quick glimpse at a boy that had salmon like hair just leaning against a locker, Is he the one who's giving me the school tour? The guy looked over at me, and right away I looked away in embarrassment realizing I had been staring at him.
The bell rings and students head inside their own classes, I made it just in time! I look over the salmon haired boy's direction but he stayed still against his locker. Great, the last thing I needed. is to have to talk to someone at this school first thing in the morning. I walk over to his direction and he looks at me and rolls his eyes at me. Ah I see, he must be one of those rebellious students who don't attend class.
The closer I get to him I realize how he's actually pretty good looking. Wait, Lucy. Heartfilia. Did you just hear yourself?!
I take out my notebook and start writing. I showed him my notebook, it read Can you show me where class 4-A is?
"Go find someone else to tell you shorty." He chuckles and looks away from me. There's a long pause before he speaks again. "Ya know it would be much easier for the both of us to put that notebook of yours away and use words. What are you deaf?" looked at him but he was still looking away from me. I started writing in my notebook again. The boy looks at me writing.
I finish writing and shove the notebook near his chest.Please tell me where my class is at, I'm already late in my first day at this school! If you want we could head over to our classes together!
He read. He shakes his head, "You're really starting to get on my nerves, didn't you get the message? Leave." He hands me back the notebook. I take it and quickly write, I'm sorry for being a waste of your time! He snatches my notebook ready to rip the pages out but stops to realize the small water drops on the paper. Before he could look at my eye's I made a quick turn and run away. I didn't care that I didn't know where I was running to anymore. I just wanted to run away from him.
Tears slowly fell from my cheeks, "Mother please forgive me. I'll gather up the courage tomorrow I promise."
I have looked around most of the whole school and when I turn to look outside, I notice schools about to end. A small room I hadn't entered catches my attention and I open the door to step inside. I quietly enter and I turn around to see if anyone saw me enter.
I was in a music room. It seemed pretty dusty but there were still a few instruments laying around.
I sat down and grabbed a Guitar and started playing.

The bell rings, the last bell ring of the day. I didn't want to get up, I wanted to stay in this room forever. I wanted to keep playing the songs my mother used to play for me, I wanted to feel happy.
                <Gray's POV>
I run towards Natsu, easily finding him through the crowd of students with his pink salmon hair. "Looks like someone's in a bad mood." I tease.
"Shut up, I don't even know why I bothered coming."
"Well anyways, there's a new chick in our class, she never showed up but finally something new happens in this school." I see him tense up.
"You've met her already haven't you? What's she like, is she cute?"
"Just a typical blond. I met her for a few minutes and ending up running away."
"What did you do now? How'd you manage to scare the new girl on her first day?"
He keeps quiet, enough for me to hear the small music notes coming from a few rooms down.  I grab Natsu's arm and run to the direction of the music.
                 <Natsu's POV>
Gray grabs my arm, running to the direction of the music room. I know for a fact this idiot doesn't know how to play any sort of instrument. We get there, and I see the new girl playing the guitar. Her playing was so beautiful but looked really sad.
"So what did you do to her?" Gray looks at me directly in my eyes but then looks towards Lucy. "Nothing really, I just didn't have the patience to deal with her first thing in the morning. Not like i'm her tour guide or anything to be ordering me around."
"You're an idiot you know that right?"
"Shut up. Just shut up."
"Looks like someone is finally recognizing what they've done. Now be a good boy and go sit in the corner-" I tackle Gray causing us to both fall between the small crack of the door, inside the music room.
<Lucy's POV>
I hear two voices start to rise just outside the door and thats when I see the salmon haired guy with this half naked guy. Quickly, I put the guitar aside and stand up to move to the side. We're they listening to me this whole time?
"Hey guys, I should really go now-" Both of them continued fighting with the other. No use in stopping these two, I. thought to myself. One of their phones fall from their pocket, landing on the floor. I was about to pick it up so it wouldn't get smashed but suddenly, the other guys forehead bangs on mine. He was about to say something better he quickly looked away. He grumbled as he got off the half-naked guy.
"Oh, Gray-sama" someone yells from outside the room.
"Crap! Gotta go!" The half naked guy gets up quickly scoops up his phone then dashes off leaving me and the guy there alone in the class.

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