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Please read! Shout out to pinkyfinky1023!! Thanks to all the people who are reading this, means a lot. Anyways on with the story!


We've been at the races for an hour and I've already won 5 races. These people are so easy to beat! The pros are racing in 20 minutes and I'm pumped.

I'm wearing my black designer jeans, white t-shirt that has 'WILD' printed across the front in black cursive, combat boots, and my lucky leather jacket. No one ever touches my jacket except for the guys, even when they do I sill get a little mad.

I've changed over the 2 years I've been here. My hair darkened so now it's a raven black. I'm still pale, but I'm a little it skinnier. I like my curves though, so what if I'm not paper thin like a barbie. At least I'm happy with how I am. I can guarantee if my old pack saw me now they wouldn't recognize me.

'Spoke to soon!' My wolf said. Her names Ruby.

I looked to my left and saw one of the guys in my pack who used to beat me staring at me as if he recognized me. Great.

The races were about to start and I didn't see Diesel anywhere. Maybe he's over by my Impala. I walked over and saw him leaning against the hood talking to Axel.

"Hey kiddo!" he exclaimed when he saw me walking towards them. "I'm not that much younger than you Diesel. Only by a month and a half," I stated. I didn't like it when he called me kiddo and he knew that. I saw Axel shoulders shake a little bit which meant he was trying not to laugh. "Keep laughing Axel, watch what I'll do to you." They knew not to mess with me. They've seen me do some very bad things to a lot of people, mainly rogues, but you can't classify them as people. Last week I tore ones throat out just for saying I was a weak, little girl. I don't like people calling me weak. I'm not weak, I'm the pack trainer for petes sake!

Diesel gave me a hug and said, "Good luck, we'll be cheering for you. Remember hit the NOS button at he right time," he warned. After Diesel walked away towards the starting line, Axel ruffled my hair, but didn't say anything. I hopped in my Impala and drove to the starting line.

As soon as the girl with the checkered flag waved the flag, I was off. I'll admit, I didn't have the best start, but it was something I could work with. I tore passed the car in second place, and was gaining on the first place car. He tried to cut me off, but that didn't work. Instead of turning like they do in the begginners races we turned onto a road that went along side of the cliff. Just as I started to get a lead on the other car. The driver slammed against the side of my car, and I was close to going over the edge.

'Oh come on! I just gave her a new paint job!'  I screamed in my head.

Now I was mad! No one messes with my cars! I saw the finish line coming into view and pushed the accelorator to the floor. I could see the other racers mistake before it happened. He pushed the NOS button to early. He got a lead on me, but then started to fall back. I knew a mistake when I saw one, and I didn't even need to use the NOS button to get passed him. He looked at me with a look of shock as I passed, but I just smirked and waved at him.

Once I had passed the finish line everyone was cheering and trying to get my attention. The guys pushed them to the side and came up to me. "You won," Jax said in shock. "Duh," I said. Does he have no faith in me? Was it really that amazing that a girl could do this?

Diesel hugged me and shouted,"You just beat the undefeated Jonathan Pierse!" I just laughed and rolled my eyes. He could be so enthusiastic sometimes. That named sounded vaguely familiar to me. 'It's the Beta from our old pack'  Ruby said with a growl.

Before I could say anything back Max turned to me and said, "We have to go home. Jackson has something important to tell you about." The guys jumped in their cars, and waited for me to get in mine before leaving.

I didn't have a good feeling about this, and I felt like something bad was gonna happen. Little did I know, I was right, and whatever happened was going to change my life forever.

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