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"Ryan! We are not going to get anywhere if you don't tell me what is making you so depressed!" I just stare at her does she really expect me to tell her what is going on in my life. I don't know this women for all I know she could be a killer. Which is probably not the case, but it could be. You never know. I really don't want to talk to anyone. All I want is to not be here I want to be at home with a book on my comfy bed, but no I have to be at this stupid session every freakin day. I'm tired of it. My councilor and I get nothing done. My feelings toward the world are not changed. They never will be.

"I can't tell you what is wrong with me." She raises her brow at me.

"And why is that?" She says clearly annoyed by my words.

"Because I don't feel like talking to you and I have no idea who you really are." I say satisfied with my own answer.

"Ok well I'll tell you-"

"Um, no I am not doing this." She gives me a confused look, but before she could say anything I was up out of my seat and half way out the door.

"Ryan get back in here right now!" I ignore her and walk faster.

When I get out of the building I begin to jog, just in case she tries to get me to come back. After I'm about a block away from the building I realize I have no ride. I was going to call my mum, but before I could I remembered what just happened. She is going to be so pissed. She's been paying for those sessions for over three months. And like I said before none of it is working.

I've been walking for about 20 minutes. The clouds are darker then they were before. Just my luck, it starts to rain. Are you serious. I quickly try to find shelter by trying to open every door, they were all locked. Just my luck again.

I look through the window of one of the doors. The shop looked like some kind of bakery. All the lights were off except for a room in the back. I can see a shadow of someone moving in the room.

"Can you please let me in?" I yell while banging on the door. No one comes out of the room. "Please?" I bang on the door again. By now the rain is pouring down and I'm soaking wet.

I stand there waiting for something to happen, when all of the sudden the light from the room turns off. I let out a sigh and start to turn around to find shelter, something stops me. Turning around I see all the lights in the front of the building turned on. Movement catches my eye, at the counter stands a boy with flushed cheeks. His hair looks thick with brown curls. He looks around my age.

I knock on the door to get his attention, and with success he turns around and looks at me. He gives me a confused look as I stand there like an idiot just staring.

"Can you please let me in?" I yell through the glass of the door. he mouths something and gives me a apologetic look. telling me he won't or can't.

"Please?" I almost feel like crying. Standing out in the cold air of London and the clouds pouring rain on you doesn't make you feel good. He shakes his head. I turn on my heel, but before I could get to far a sound of a door closing catches my attention. Turning around I see the same boy walking towards me. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the shop.

He whisper yells at me.

"Hurry up I don't want anyone seeing you or I'll get into trouble." He says jerking me into the building.

"Why cant anyone see me in here?"

"Barbara has eyes all over this street and I'm not aloud to let people in to the bakery after closing hours." He says breathing hard while looking out the window. Ok?

"Who's Barbara?" I couldn't help but ask.

"No one." He says looking at the ground. "Anyway I'll be here for another thirty minutes."

"Ok thank you for letting me come in."

"Your welcome, love. What's your story anyway?"

I look at the ground, then back at him. He's staring at me.

Oh gosh.

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