azalea jensen
fc: ines silva
tagged accounts;background
azalea was born and raised in brazil but her and her family moved to the states and settled in atlanta georgia when she was about seven years old. she has one younger sister and a older brother. she had a pretty rocky childhood. her father was sent to prison when she was fourteen for a crime he didn't do and her mother went into a downward spiral after that. her mother became very depressed and her and her siblings had to care for each other. now her mother is a lot better and she got the help she needed. after azalea graduated high school she got excepted into a really good college and is currently working on her career of becoming an author. she loves to write and writing has always been something that calms her down when she's upset or in a bad mood. she is a very loving and kind person. she has a lot of trust issues so she might not open up to you fast but if you're patient she will eventually open up to you and tell you things about her not a lot of people know. she is a very humble person and you'll never hear her bragging about who she is or what she has. she hates people who are stuck up and conceited and she isn't afraid to stand up for herself or speak up when something is annoying her. she is a very blunt person and she isn't afraid to state the honest truth. she's also a very swet and gentle person as well once you get to know her more.