A Rose's Thorns: Strade's Garden

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Strade slowly walked out of the old western bar, his hands stuffed in his pants pockets. He hated nights like these.
The nights when the stars we're gone and the cold wind hit him like a car crash on a broken winter morning.
He was drunk no doubt about it, his nose a light pink and his eyes clouded.

The Bartender stepped out grabbing his arm. " Sir, lemme call ya a cab, yer nearly trippin' over yer'self."
Strade shook his head , jerking himself away from the man , growling darkly at him. " Worry about yourself ya ole Bastard!"
With that Strade continued down the road, soft fog engulfing his surroundings as it began to rain.

Yup...Tonight was hell for him...
He was Drunk, in pain, and now lost because of the Damned fog around him . Strade mumbled swears at himself , growling as he walked past a old Cemetery , a Church near the Gate.
He stepped into the Church, looking around at all the empty wooden benches. He slowly walked over to the opened book on the old Stage.

Romans 13:4

"For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer."

Strade sighed and glared up at the cross on the wall. He had no idea the priest stood behind him with a gentle smile on his face. "Tell me Son, what brought you here."
Strade jumped slightly , looking at him surprised.
" H-How long have ya been there!?"
The Priest chuckled a bit stepping closer . " I've been here ever since you got here, you just didn't acknowledge me."
Strade sighed softly turning to face him.

" What's your name Father?"
" My names Jeremiah."

Strade held out his hand to him. " Its nice to meet you Father Jeremiah, my name is Strade."
Jeremiah smiled and shook his hand. "Its nice to meet you too my son. What brought you here?"

Strade looked away after a moment , a sudden wave a regret ran over him as Thunder filled the silence of the old creaky  building. Jeremiah gently grabbed his shoulder. " Tell me son, what sins do you wish to confess?"
Strade felt how cold his hands were now, he knew something was up by the tone of voice.
" I have no sins to confess sir, for I'm looking for piece of mind, or should I say, a piece of heart."Jeremiah tiled his head, confused by what he said. " If you look for piece of heart, then why come here?" He asked, stepping around Strade to pick up the Bible.

Before Strade had a chance to speak , a soft voice came from the front doors. Jeremiah didn't even look towards them  as they came closer.
" Im sorry for being late, Father, I over slept it seems."

The young girl wore a black dress with dark red floral design around the hem and along her sleeves. Her long brown hair lay flat against her back.
Jeremiah sighed softly and looked at her coldly. " You dare lie to me in the house of god, but not only that but in front of This man!?"

The girl flinched, fear flooding her eyes. " Father I promise you, I would never lie, never to you, and never here!"

Strade watched as Jeremiah stepped closer to her, clutching the bible firmly in his hands. The girl looked away , hugging herself tightly.
Jeremiah grabbed her chin and lifted her head to his. " Eve, would you think I would treat you how they do?"

Her eyes widened a bit, tears soon falling down her cheeks . He smiled softly and wiped away her eyeliner filled tears. Strade looked away from them a moment, feeling the room get cold. Thunder echoed  through the chapel, lightning going off a few moments lighting everything up even more, thunder going off again. He looked back to Jeremiah, watching as his face went sour as he braided Eve's hair, seeing a symbol on her neck." You seen him again tonight, didn't you?"

Eve was silent, a chill went up her spine once he finished , his eyes dark with disgust and betrayal . Eve made no effort to look at him, knowing she would just fall at his knees.
"I...I never meant to go to his grounds Father, I was only seeking a time of relief. After all, the pianos tune haunts me."

Strade listened closely, his eyes narrowing. " Where exactly did you go?" His voice seemed soft but yet so chilling. Eve looked to him, seeming to completely forget he was there. She thought a moment and sighed softly. " The place is called 'Cafe Royale' , its quite elegant and rated 5 stars . He Plays the Piano there with such a smooth melody. But the thing is riddled with feathers for some reason."

Jeremiah looked away , his foot taping impatiently. " Its a sin to deal with such fallen angels, Satan is one aft-" Strade cut him off quickly with a smirk. "Satan was once Gods favorite ya know."

Jeremiah sighed softly and looked to the bible, but jumped hearing the doors slam open. A man with neat blond hair and bright blue eyes stepped in, dressed neatly in a tux , of course now dampened from the rain.
Strade tensed up slightly , stepping back .

Eve looked over to him and covered her mouth. "C-Cain!" The man smirked and tilted his head. " Hello little angel girl, did you miss me?"
He gently moved her hand away from her mouth, gently kissing the back of it mumbling softly. " Admit it, you missed me."
Jeremiah narrowed his eyes, staring at Cain with a burning hatred. Cain took quick notice to it , smirking at him now. "I would love to see what you've planned to do once you met me. But I see you would rather not commit  such an act here under the watch of your 'Savior' ." Cain's voice echoed in the small church, his appearance shifting quickly amongst all their gazes .

His entire body changed, he became taller. His eyes now a bright yellow , and the suit seemed to be dried now. 
His hair was red, and his skin was much more pale.

((I'm sorry but I didn't have the motivation to finish this, school has been getting in the way and its almost the end of the year.))

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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